Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Oh Happy Day! Rebecca Returns…

NurseDad had put a LOT of trust in me about this injection this week. I was determined not to screw things up and let him down. Charlie called me at eight this morning to make sure I was up. I immediately showered and washed my hair good – scrubbing clean my dangly bits. I then headed down through the Valley with my injection on the passenger’s seat at 10 minutes till 9:00 AM.

I had just taken my seat in the lobby after signing in. Mary, a nurse, poked her head out and said Rebecca had just arrived and would call me back shortly. I was so excited to see her. Rebecca and I have been doing this for ten long years and have developed quite a rapport between us.

“Andrew, come on back,” Rebecca said sticking her head out the lobby door.

“Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes,” I told her with a big grin.

“It is good to see you, too,” she replied. “I felt like I was gone for weeks.”

“What did you do on your vacation?” I asked.

“I sat out on the beach in a lounge chair and read books,” Rebecca told me. “It was so relaxing!”

I explained to Rebecca how all my surrogate nurses wanted to use the small deltoid needle instead of the 3 inch gluteal needle. She laughed.

“They can’t believe I want that monstrous needle,” I told her.

I think Rebecca may be pregnant again as she looked like she is showing, but I kept my mouth shut in case she just overate while she was on her vacation.

The shot stung like a bee sting today, but I didn’t say anything. It would just worry Rebecca that she did something wrong. That’s just how the ball bounces sometimes in this inexact science that is my Risperdal injection.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Oh no! We have a Rebecca who is newly pregnant! She has been to work maybe one day a week for an hour for the last 5 months; could she be moonlighting as a nurse in Alabama?? LOL

It MIGHT explain how our Rebecca can afford a 4th child! LOL