Thursday, August 09, 2018

Don’t Let Users Use You…

Rich and LauraEveryday it is something different with Rich and Tuleana. Rich used to be the boyfriend of Laura. Yes, that Laura. That’s how I met him. Laura dumped him and he shacked up with Tuleana. Laura’s demise as far as I am concerned is a whole ‘nother story that I will tell another day.

“Will you carry Richard and I to the gas station so Richard can get some tobacco?” Tuleana asked me today over the phone.

This would entail driving 25 miles to their camper they live in to pick them up. Driving all the way to the SunCo gas station in West Point, Ga. where they sell loose leaf tobacco and then a drive back to the camper. I think that would be 75 miles if I reckon correctly.

Yesterday, they needed to go to Walmart to do grocery shopping. Both times I’ve made up some excuse not to go. Being low on gas is always a good excuse because they are not going to put gas in your car. It would be different if they were friends in a true friendship way or that they would compensate me with gas money. They expect me to do it for free and they rarely say thanks.

It would be much better if they lived in town, but they live in bum fuck Egypt. I could fathom a short drive across town for some cigarettes, but a 75 mile round trip is too much without any gas compensation. I am not exactly Mr. Moneybanks here. Hell, it takes me weeks to normally drive 75 miles in my car.   


glittermom said...

Dont get involved with these people. Everyone wants friends but they really aren’t the kind you want. I know it would be hard for you but you need to just tell her not to call anymore can say it nice just be firm. I thought she moved back to her mothers. Please don’t start driving them to their places.

Kran's Crackers said...

They're constantly trying to take advantage of you. Don't let them or they'll never stop! I agree with glittermom.