Friday, September 17, 2004


I just wanted to say thanks to all who posted comments. Taking the time to comment means a lot to me and I do appreciate it. I am feeling much better today after a very good nights rest.

The power ended up being off for most of yesterday. My great aunt slept after lunch and only got up a short time before going back to bed for the night. I ended up sleeping most of the day as well. I was really tired. The rest was much, much needed. I had kind of gotten off my whacker for a few days there.

My yard looks like a disaster area. There are huge limbs down everywhere. Many of them are too large to pull by hand to the road. I am going to have to hire someone with a chainsaw. Well, anyways, I will leave you all with a story written this morning about last night when the power came back on. I will take some time today to get back to some of you. Also, today is a very special day for a good friend of mine and that post will follow soon.

The storm winds down…….

I was sitting in my junky, old lazy boy reading by the light of my butane lantern. The thing is amazingly loud. It hisses like a snake. Alaine was sitting in the old chair next to my entertainment center. She was reading a copy of In Style magazine by candle light.

“How do you read that shit?” I said.

“Well, you are reading a magazine about toys for grown men and you need to watch your language.” She said.

Touché was what I thought as I laughed.

“Model Railroading is a serious hobby. It is not just for kids.” I said with an extremely serious tone and trying to keep a serious face.

“Yeah, whatever, you hungry?” She asked looking over the magazine with a smile. Her face was lit up in the bright yellow/orange glow of the lantern beside me.

“A little, are you?” I said.

“Yeah, just a bit.” She replied.

I walked into the kitchen holding the lantern and fixed us some graham crackers with peanut butter for a snack. I put them on two paper plates. We both opened a diet sprite and toasted our glamorous meal.

“Do you think the worse is over? I really need to get back and check on mom.” Alaine said. Alaine had been over for most of the evening.

“Yeah, it is winding down.” I said.

As we sat back down, I heard the familiar sound of my computer firing back to life and all my appliances coming on. My 3Com cable modem made the comforting and familiar connection established sound. The power had come back on.

“Well, it seems, we are back in business!” I exclaimed.

“I really need to head home now. I know you are just going to sit in front of the computer the rest of the evening.” Alaine said.

I turned on the outside lights hoping they would not wake up my great aunt who was asleep upstairs. Debris was everywhere in the yard and on the driveway. I had to move some limbs so Alaine could back out. Fortunately, our cars were not damaged.

Alaine left to head home and I didn’t sit in front of the computer. I took a zyprexa and crashed. I was dead to the world. I didn’t wake up this morning until 10 am. Man, I needed that and feel a hell of a lot better this morning.

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