Monday, November 22, 2004

The Homeless Guy, the Con...

(I visited Kevin’s Christmas Wish List Blog this morning and with not much surprise see that he has taken his comments down. All the comments were positive even though I and Pipe Tobacco made a shameless plug for our blogs as well. I also see on the front page that he has changed his profile description to describe his advocacy work but why doesn’t he ever write about that work in depth? This guy is a master at marketing his blog and promoting himself. It is my strong opinion that he is not really a homeless advocate but an advocate for Kevin Barbieux. He also added some really cute, feel good, Christmas graphics to the wish list blog to put you in the Christmas giving spirit. I am not a Christian but I so wanted to play the “Christmas is about Jesus’ birth and not giving card.” lol)

I will now share what I originally wrote this morning and almost published and have debated over it all morning.

I feel uncomfortable giving my limited resources to just one man on the internet. I would like my limited money to help a great deal of people and not just one. I did some research this morning and this is what I found.

Why Kevin never links to these types of organizations sometimes baffles me. These good people will be supporting him and feeding him throughout this long winter ahead. He has often extolled the virtues of this organization on his blog and could really do some good advocating for the homeless of Nashville by encouraging people to donate and giving this charity some recognition with his large readership.

The cynical and biased side of me fears he does not do so because people will give to these organizations to help him and not give to him individually. I fear he is only interested in personal gain from that blog.

Keep in mind when you give to this organization you help a lot of homeless people in Nashville and not just Kevin. If you have read Kevin’s blog a long time and want to help him then this is a good way to do it. I know I will follow through and do so as well and would like to put aside my ill feelings for the guy and help him in some small way. I will not be sending him any computers, camcorders, or DVDs in the mail though. I just don't think those things will help him get off the streets or that he will use them wisely to advocate for the homeless.

Here are a few ways to help the homeless in Nashville and Kevin as well:

A link about the Campus for Hunan Development and what they do:

Room In The Inn

How to donate or how to volunteer if you live in the Nashville area:

How can I help?

If you don't like to follow links on blogs, here is an address where you can send your contributions:

Campus for Human Development

P. O. Box 25309

Nashville, TN 37202

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