Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A busy day and yet more to come…….

I walked out to check the mailbox this afternoon. I opened it and there was one solitary letter inside. I pulled it out and it was from the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. My hands shook as I held it and cautiously opened it. I kept my fingers crossed that this wouldn’t entail drama. That is the last thing I need in my life at this time.

They wanted me to sign a form and release my medical records to corroborate some claims my ex-wife has made about me. I refuse to release my private medical records to a group of people whom I will not know how they will use it. I fear it may come back to haunt me. I just tore the letter up and placed it in the large trash can outside my apartment. I could care less about those proceedings. I don’t care if she does get an annulment. Whatever floats her dingy. I wish they would just give it to her and quit sending me endless amounts of paperwork and forms to sign which I ignore and throw away anyway. She wants to get remarried in the Catholic Church someday. I hope she will be able to but I will not compromise myself for her to be able to obtain this.

Tonight was my first exam and I had a tremendous amount of pre exam anxiety. It was my first college exam in a very long time. The exam was hard and I immediately know of four questions that I definitely missed. One asked, “What was the largest family of instruments in an orchestra?” I absentmindedly wrote woodwinds when I should have put strings. DUH! I knew that as I enjoy and listen to classical music often. Twenty questions were terms and we had to write the often lengthy definitions by memory. That was the hardest part. Two I went completely blank on.

Now after the experience is over, I feel kind of ambivalent and I think I might have made a C. At least now I know what to expect out of future exams and will know how to study for them. I do get to drop the lowest exam grade. This is where the perfectionist in me howls and rages in his cage urging to be let loose. I cannot fall into that trap though. My father calls it my A or Fail syndrome.

Folks, I am just brutally tired and I still have to study for my psychology exam tomorrow. I do feel better after getting my thoughts down with this digital medium though. It is a release for me and helps me dissipate mental energy. Thanks as always for the many great comments from those of you that take the time to do so. I appreciate it very much and it makes me feel as if I am not on this journey alone. It is good to know that someone is reading along with me.

Pipe Tobacco: I especially wanted to single you out for your great advice on how to handle the learning aspects of my psychology class. I appreciated the lengthy comment very much. In fact, I print out two copies and put one in my notebook to remind me of my goals and the other on my desk. Thank you dear sir!

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