Friday, January 28, 2005

New Homeless Blog…….

I am always on the prowl for a new homeless blog. I think these people deserve a voice after all they have to go through. I have never understood why “The Homeless Guy” with all his internet clout doesn’t give these folks some attention as he is aware of many of these blogs. This guy is also homeless in Nashville and blogs using the public library system. He would probably be thrilled to get a supportive comment and some readership. He seems to be prolific in his updates.

I got another letter to James Christian aka The Homeless Guy in NYC in the mail this morning. I am still waiting to hear a word back. I hope we can start a dialogue and let him air his feelings on a blog ala Prison Pete.


On the injection front……

I had a bad experience today and bled all over the place again. Blood was all over my sweatpants and in a puddle on the floor. It was also very painful. I think we may have to start trying my other butt cheek and see if that alleviates the problem.

The nurse freaked out on me but I stayed calm. She was so apologetic and even called me and my father after I had left and arrived home. Dad is now worried that the solution got injected into my vein thus the blood and the pain. We will just have to see over the next few days if any symptoms arise. They are afraid to give me another injection as if the first one did take then it would double my effective dose of Risperdal from 25 mg to 50 mg. It is going to be a wait and see game. I feel completely fine this morning.

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