Friday, October 07, 2005

Rendezvous at a Convenience Store

Oh, what women in my life! I don’t know what has been going on lately, but I am being bombarded by flirty vibes from several women I encounter often. Yesterday, it was my nurse and today it was Carolyn, the convenience store clerk. Carolyn is an older woman, but is quite attractive. We have gotten to be on a first name basis since I frequent Fat Albert’s convenience store so much these days

This morning I awoke around 5 am and started my day with my usual coffee. I also fixed some toast and ate it with butter and strawberry preserves. After breakfast, I decided to ride down to the convenience store and put in $10 dollars worth of gas. It was still pitch black outside when I started this journey.

“Hey Carolyn,” I said as I walked in the door after pumping the gas.

“Hey hun,” she replied.

“How are you?” I asked.

“I am much better now that I got to see you,” She said with a hearty smile.

I paid and stepped aside to let the patron behind me buy her lottery tickets. The lady bought a bunch of scratch-off tickets and immediately began to use a penny to scratch off to see if Dame Fortune’s wind was blowing her way. It reminded me of a crack addict who was jonesing for their fix.

“Are you working today?” Carolyn asked. “You never come in this early.”

“No, I had the whole week off and it has been nice,” I replied. “But the money has been tight,”

“I get off at lunch,” She said. “Would you like to go get something to eat together?”

I blushed.

“Carolyn, thanks for the invite, but I am flat broke after putting that $10 dollars in,” I replied.

“It will be on me,” She said. “I really want to get to know you better.”

“I would rather pay my own way,” I replied and politely declined.

“Maybe next week then,” She said.

“Yeah, maybe next week,” I replied.

I walked out of the store and got in my car pondering what had just happened. It had been a long time since a woman came onto me so strongly. I am really not sure if I want to get involved with someone again. I believe in being honest about my mental illness and that usually sends them running anyway. Oh well, it was certainly flattering to know that someone thought that I was desirable and attractive and wants to get to know me better.

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