Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Last night I sat on my porch waiting for her call. "Get a hold of yourself, man," I said as I pulled on my cigarillo. The evening cicadas were calling - so characteristic of the South. I realized I had spent most of my life waiting. Waiting on something better to happen instead of making it happen. There are so many moments where I've wished. I wish I'd said this, or held on longer. If only. If I'd opened my mouth. If I turned around. If I said what was on my mind instead of turning away. I jumped out of my seat and suddenly called my father.

"I'm headed to Atlanta, tomorrow," I told him as I paced the floor. "I will see you at our normal time."

"What brought this about?" he asked.

"Far too often I've sat on my laurels waiting for life to happen," I said. "I am going to make it happen for a change."

My father was at a loss for words. He told me to be careful and to not miss my medications. I hung up the phone feeling a fierce determination. I hadn't felt this way in years.

The car is full of gas and I've packed a lunch of sandwiches, chips, and fruit. I have a very good idea where Rosa is staying having lived in Atlanta for a short while. I just want to give her a show of support. A familiar face to embrace and to let her know I am just a short drive away. I'm not going to say anything rash. I just want to see her and her plaintive voice over the phone line has been calling out to me. I think a road trip will do me and her good. Here's to grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns.


KYRIE said...

Andrew, have a safe trip!
Take care.

JT said...

I admire your determination.

As a fellow Southerner, I say "Give 'em Hell."

Truly, grab life by the horns. Regret nothing of this.


Have a wonderful time!
I'm proud that you're not sitting back waiting around.
Drive safe and I look forward to hearing more upon your return.

Pen and the Sword said...

How romantic. It's just like the movies. Too cute! Looking forward to hear how it goes.

impromptublogger said...

You go guy! It does sound like from the movies. I hope it all works out just as in your dreams.

Frank & sisters said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!.

Thanks Frank

justLacey said...

Whoopee! Post when you get back, we are all excited to hear what happens. Safe trip!

Barb said...

Good luck Andrew! Be safe, and know there are many with you in our thoughts this day!


amelia said...

I can't wait for you to get back and to hear your story!!

coastofcalifornia said...


Wish I could be a cricket on the wall... just to see the look on Rosa's lovely face when she sees you! The joy you bring to each other's lives is an inspiration.

Drive carefully, and take care of your heart and your emotional health. You're a gift to so many of us. We wish you nothing but happiness.

Hesbell said...

have fun!

STAG said...

I have found that two people always fall in (and out) of love at different rates....and that is the essence of drama. Doesn't make experiences any less valid though. Take it (whatever "it" is) as it comes, and it will come around.

STACY'S TRIP said...

don't forget the littles one feelings too. (rosa's daughter)

Mr.Kim/Mick Bright Kim 金 明哲 said...


Tammy said...

That is awesome. I wish you a safe trip. I am sure Rosa will be overjoyed to see you. It is incredibilly spontaneous and Romantic. It is truly the one thing that every women looks forward to.

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love it, I love it! Have a wonderful day with your Rosa in Atlanta, I'm sure she will be delightfully surprised by your new boldness! I agree, life is short, and we spend too much time regretting, it is never too soon or too often to say I love you!

Andrés Gustavo Fernández said...

Te felicito por tu blog. Gracias por darle tanta frescura y renovación a estos espacios.

Te invito a visitar mi página personal en la que publico mis poemas y mis links (estos pueden interesarte mucho).

Te envío un abrazo desde Argentina y te dejo mi dirección:

Hasta pronto.
Andrés G. Fernández

Moonroot said...

Have a great trip!

PSM said...

This isn't the stuff I typically like to read, but you are heart felt and genuine. You're a good writer. I wish you the best.

C. R. Morris said...

WHOO HOO!!!! I've been keeping up with your blog, just have been busy! Be safe but have a blast!