Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Crickets on a Fall Evening...


Josie Two Shoes said...

Lovely! Perfect ending to my work day... heading home! :-)

Kelly Jene said...

I love that sound too. Sigh. We don't have that around here, just the roar of the train going by.

I'm so glad you went to the doc and you got to lower the meds! That's fantastic. You sound so good, full of life.

Take care of you!

M said...

I love crickets!

M said...

Hey, I am big believer Benadryl too. I think it helps me with my anxiety!

CJM-R said...

Crickets remind me of our farm back when I was a growing up. Thanks for taking me back to that memory.

I am happy for you that you had the opportunity to talk to your doctor about your meds and that he listened to you and your dad allowed you to advocate for yourself.

I hope you can find a dosage that you can feel comfortable taking.

Your photos are so great. My husband is even enjoying them.

Glad you had a good day today!

Diana said...

ALL good news today. Can't beat that with a stick.LOL
Thinking of you

Tee said...

Sounds like you had a good day. I'm so glad. I love those crickets as well. Reminds me of my childhood when we would sit on the porch at night engaging in conversation--what a novel thing. We didn't all have TV's, mostly listened to the radio. I'm showing my age. Glad you were able to talk to you doctor and he's agreed to lower your meds.

AlabamaGal said...

Excellent video! The crickets sounds are so relaxing and a beautiful sunset to boot.

Congrats on being on less meds.


Anonymous said...

great day, wasn't it?!

justLacey said...

I'm glad you had a peaceful day. Also that your dr. has adressed your concerns and your dad was there to listen. I don't see any problem with taking only what you need. Hope it works as I too hate to be on a lot of medication for anything.

Leann said...

Loved hearing your voice and pleased to hear they are working on the med issue.

I also enjoyed seeing hte lightning bugs in the trees!!