Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Thinking Forward

It is day one of my new life and I am not going to let the setback of my car being stolen get me down.   Today, I got my father to drive me to the convenience store and...   I bought diet Cokes!!!!!   That is a big hurdle for me to overcome when losing weight.   I drank so many sodas every day.   And now I am going to drink diet sodas and hopefully some of the weight I have gained will start coming off.  I have to start making myself look attractive to other people so I will not be alone all the time. 


justLacey said...

Well, I hope they find your car. We had one stolen once and they just drove it around and left it somewhere. We got it back after a few days. Honda's are popular to steal. I think they take the parts off. Good luck with those diet Cokes. You could definately use a cold one today. Coke that is!

Irishcoda said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry about your car! I came to visit and leave a message wishing you a very happy New Year upcoming and was dismayed to read your posts! I hope the police find your car and thank goodness you had it fully insured!

savannah said...

sorry about your car, sugar! *hugs* be well and keep your good attitude...things will get better!

happy new year!

STACY'S TRIP said...

Oh WOW. Insane.

Cheryl said...

I just read your day's postings. I'm so sorry about your car. How strange and violated you must feel. Don't give up hope that it will be found, although there are so many silver C-RVs around. I know...I have one and they're everywhere. It's just so surprising that this happened.

I'm anxious to know about the visit with your brother and his family. I was afraid they'd go home without your seeing them. Did it go OK? Did you have a meal together?

I'll be back later to look for updates.

Amy Palko said...

Oh, Andrew, just read about your car. What a shame! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it turns up.
As for the soda and weight gain - I can most certainly vouch for soda piling on the pounds. I did lose about a stone, however, by doing nothing more than stopping the cola. Cutting out chocolate meant I dropped another 8 pounds. This was about 4 years ago, and I've since gone back to the chocolate. I like to think that I carry those regained 8lbs well, though!
Lives Less Ordinary

mosiacmind said...

Andrew...i hope that you will reread your post here about not letting this ruin what is going good in your life yes it will be frustrating. I hope too that you will take the time to read my email to you.

impromptublogger said...

I'm so sorry about your car. I am hoping it gets found in the next day or so. Hopefully just some teens out for a joy ride.

Hugs to you.