Saturday, November 07, 2009

Let's Put This Matter to Rest...

I've gotten a lot of flak and emails lately about my profile remark about AA being a cult.  If you look up the standard definition of cult then AA fits the bill nicely and almost to a T.  So does Christianity and Catholicism.  But I would be breaking one of my cardinal rules of blogging discussing religion. 

I guess cults got a bad rap during the devil worshiping scares of the late seventies and the Jim Jones debacle in the sixties.  Scientology doesn't help matters as well.  I didn't mean any harm, but several people went so far as to try and change my opinion for me.  I was even accused of being a "bitter dry drunk."

A common mantra in AA is that you are powerless over alcohol and must turn to a higher power for help in breaking the addiction.  I don't believe this, nor do I subscribe to it.  I make a conscious choice every day not to drink.  When George leaves alcohol at my house, I pour it out.  If I wanted to, I could ride around with George all the morning, visit the "shot" house, and put myself into the maelstrom so to speak.  I make a conscious choice not to tempt myself or fate.   This is why AA just doesn't fit for me.  I meant no harm. Please let people have differing opinions without being derided or heckled. 


Berryvox said...

I've often thought there should be more alternatives to AA than there are. The whole religion thing would grate on my nerves too.

Anne said...

Jim Jones massacre was in 1978.

Paul J said...

stick to your guns.
just keep doing what works for you, and inspiring people to find their method as a result.
you rock, and always will.

Diana said...

Good for you! I wish there were other group options than AA. Religion doesn't belong involved in everything. You are doing well and doing what works for you. No one else can take better care of your sobriety than you do. Well done Andrew, well done!

dennis said...

If you don't think AA is for you fine. But there is no need to bash it. Remember, one of the twelve traditions is personal anonymity at the level of press, radio films and tv. I think you should take the reference to AA off your description.

2sunset said...

Yes, yes! keep doing what works for you Andrew.
p.s. Catholicism?, yes - fulfills the "cult" definition.
But Christianity? No, its far too broad (ie) the person who is alone or with some friends and praying in their livingroom might define themselves as Christian because they believe in Jesus Christ. But there is no "cult" definition what-so-ever.

Sharyna said...

Have you tried MFS? Men for Sobriety? Find them under Sorry I haven't been around in like forever. I miss MosaicMind and you very much.

Jamie said...

Good heavens Andrew, everyone always has to argue over something. The most wonderful thing here is - you beat it. Who the hell cares if you call them a cult? You are allowed to have your opinion...I get so tired of everyone always WANTING to have a problem. Forget about it, YOU DONE GOOD. Have a happy day today, okay? Big hugs. :)

Jopan said...

those jumped up sons of bitch's (and i don't swear in 'real life') some people really need to get a life! Of course you're allowed your own opinions and they have no right to tell you what to think. God that sort of stuff makes me mad! You keep doing things your way Andrew.

~Christina~ said...

Cult is a very strong and offensive word, perhaps thats why people are hurt by it.

A cult requires a leader who manipulates and attempts to take mind control over others. AA has no leader, and does not force anyone to do anything.

Think Jim Jones, as mentioned above. Can you honestly compare the people of Alcoholics Anonymous to THAT man?

Whatever, to each his own. You can do, be say whatever you like, just like your blogger readers can.

Cheryl said...

I guess you hit a nerve, huh? I like your defense. Everyone is allowed their opinion. I didn't hear you ask for permission. It's your blog. I love your opinions.