Sunday, January 03, 2010

I Must Be Odd, But I Dislike Facebook…

facebook-chat-emoticonsThere! I said it! I dislike Facebook. Everybody is so guarded with what they share that the whole experience is incredibly boring.  Most of my former classmates are pedestrian and milquetoast people to say the least.  Everybody leads carbon copy lives.  You’ve read one post, you’ve read twenty.  I also dislike the constant requests for hearts, hugs, smilies, fairy farts, and farmville crap.  It drives my obsessive compulsive nature to complete things crazy! Now, if Google reader could just add “like” and comments features to it’s product, then they would have a big hit on their hands.   


Summer said...

The requests drive me insane. I understand you block those applications but I haven't figured it out yet.

Andrew said...


If you find out, let me know. I guess I could Google it, but I am lazy tonight and just want to sit here, refresh my blog, write comments, and smoke. (And drink Diet Cokes!!!)

skinny minny said...

Hit the hide button on them. it is in the right hand corner of them. you can aso go t ot your settings and block a bunch of things from appearing. but the easiest it to just hit the hide button. Personally my status reports can be mundane but I have some vbery fun friends who make daily status ( or hourly depending) reports that very entertaining. ANd i have some veryu unguarded friends as well. and then there aerw those who are never on or never update or who just haven't figured it out yet...

Andrew said...

Skinny Minny!

Thanks! I need some unguarded friends to spice up my Facebook experience!

Summer said...

LOL! I'm drinking Pepsi and being lazy. I think I have strep throat. I had to "unfriend" the people I work with on FB because one of them in particular was being nosy and questioning everything I said and asking me who my friends were, especially the men. I still have to be careful because both of my sons are on my friend list. ACK!

Andrew said...


Coworkers and family can be the biggest detriment and biggest boon to online life. I will never forget having to take down my former blog when a cousin started reading and was "reporting" to my father. It was a quandary to say the least!

Annabel said...

I have mixed feelings about facebook. I find it is easier to update on there with brief sentences rather than on my blog. But you're right about people being guarded - at least I am. Since I have students, family, and friends on there, I don't tell much other than the really mundane stuff. I do need to start blogging more though. I keep it reserved for very few people that read... probably down to about three people right now!

Annabel said...

One more thing... I do like the fact that I've come into contact with a lot of people because of facebook - even a guy I had a crush on in junior high found me the other day. Of course he's changed a LOT - not quite what I thought he was back then.

Anonymous said...

exactly the same reasons why i deleted fb account!

Andrew said...


Facebook has stolen you from me and your blog as well! Andrew's lament! I agree about finding lost friends, though. I recently reconnected with an old college friend and it has been a joy getting reaquainted with her. We've both had so many life experiences since then. That's one for me in Facebook's corner.

Andrew said...


I hear ya!

Annabel said...

I did a couple of posts a few days ago. I'm going to try to post more often this year.

kristi said...

I like it but I agree that people are guarded. I am not and have gotten into debates with people. Mostly fake ass people who lie and that is what bothers me!

Andrew said...


Much anticipation on this end of the Internet! You know you've always been my favorite blog. I like that you share so many details. When I read a blog, I want to hear about your daily life and not such polarizing and boring (to me!) things such as politics and pop culture. Lady Ga Ga can go suck a lemon!

Andrew said...


That's what I've alway liked about you and what attracted me to your blog! I don't know how I found you, but I'm glad I did.

Hap Joy Free said...

Facebook's fairy farts are far too fake and flimsy for me.

I prefer REAL life farts, thank you very much!!


Andrew said...


LOL!!!! Let's all eat lots of refried beans and join together in communion and fun!!!

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Well yes andrew, i understand your frustrations with FB. People rae very controlled. but you cant compare FB to blogging. They are SOOO different. They serve 2 very different purposes. people dont use fb to reveal or express themselves.
fB is a very controlled way of staying in touch with people you know. Thats all. Which has its uses, as this is something you cannot do on blogger, due to people not ID'ing themsleves on their blogs.

justLacey said...

It was fun at first to connect with people I hadn't spoken to in years. That being over I have to agree that for me there isn't much interesting going on.

Jamie said...

LOLOL! Fairy farts...teeheehee.

LOVE this post.


The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

FAIRY FARTS!!! i lol'ed!