Saturday, January 16, 2010

Your Daily Obligatory Maggie Photo…

It confused Maggie at first with me sleeping in the computer room.  She’s adjusted though.  This is her a few minutes ago.  I’ve been up for an hour and she is still in the bed.  She didn’t even get up when I was munching on cheese and crackers in front of the computer.  This usually elicits a response and begging out of her.  Sleepyhead!!!

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Joy Heather said...

Maggie looks a bit put out at daddy sleeping in another there a bed in your computer room ?..or where you just burning the midnight oil and then fell asleep ?? have you heard anymore about George yet.

Andrew said...


Maggie's moved into the computer room with me. You should see both us sleeping on that twin bed there. That is a photo of my computer room.

George is home and back at work. He is on his sixth day of sobriety so far. Mrs. Florene and I are on pins and needles hoping six days will turn into twenty and even more.



Joy Heather said...

Oh now i understand about the room...i thought Maggie was in a different room..but i dont think she would stand for that really when i think about it,LoL..Bless her.. I am so pleased George is still doing well..i really hope he stays that way...praying for him,& all of you..Love Joy

Summer said...

Why did you switch rooms? My cats get really weird if I change anything up. Of course, so do I. Haha! I'm sending good thoughts George's way. I truly hope he sticks to his conviction. Like you.

Andrew said...


I just couldn't sleep and I thought a change of sleeping venues would help and seemingly it has. I got eight hours of sleep last night. Also, I slept on that bed for probably ten years before I changed to the full size bed in my back bedroom when I moved here thinking it would be better. I guess I was wrong.

I also moved around the den and this sent Maggie into a tizzy. Animals are so funny aren't they? Maggie has adjusted though and is back to normal.

Hey, I need your new blog address. I lost it months ago in a computer format and would love hearing about you and your days. Email it to me, please, by clicking contact above. I miss you.
