Saturday, January 16, 2010

Of George…

I’m hesitant to write about George in that I might jinx things. I’m afraid I will write he is six days sober and he will run out tonight to a poker game and get drunk.  He’s back at work and I asked him over the phone this morning how he handled that.

“I kept reaching in my coat pocket for my flask of whiskey,” he replied. “Thankfully, it wasn’t there.”

I have yet to see him, but he sounds good.  Mrs. Florene says he is still shaky in his hands and doesn’t know what to do with himself.  He’s watching a lot of bad television.

“Urge him to go to a meeting,” I told her. “He will listen to you.  Tell him I will go with him.  We will go to a Narcotics Anonymous where there are other black people.”

Mrs. Florene thanked me and said she would try her best.  Now, it is time to just wait, help, and hope. 


Hap Joy Free said...

Your a good friend, Andrew. Ultimately its up to him to maintain his sobriety, a minute at a time.

And your writing about him cannot jinx drink. Just love him in person and thru your words. We are all here rooting for him!!

Andrew said...

Thank you Christina. I know. One day at a time. A phrase I heard over and over ad nauseum during my first few months of quitting drinking. What's more important than the drinking is that George has got to make some major lifestyle changes. No more Saturday night poker games. No more hanging out at the shot house until the wee hours of the morning. No more sneaking out to the garage to sit in his mother's car while drinking and listening to the radio. It is going to hard so I am trying not to get my hope up too much.

Joy Heather said...

It wont be easy..but worth it if all works out well..he is lucky he has you as a friend and to go along with him to the meetings, think positive and i am thinking of you all...just think how happy Mrs Florene will be as each day hopefully turns into a week etc...imagine having lots more money to spend and how much better he will feel as time goes on...If he was to slip certainly wouldn't be because you mentioned it..and i'm a firm believer in'picking yourself up and starting all over again' in those circumstances.It will be quite unusual if he doesn't have some small setbacks at least !!.Its using these times as 'stepping stones' instead of 'stumbling blocks' that is the key to getting through it...i so want him to get stronger..tell him all the support he has from your friends and fellow bloggers.

Andrew said...


No truer words could have been said! Thank you!

mago said...

Man, amazing. When I think of some years ago ... Now lets hope. I know what you mean with the jinx, not too early it can spoil all.
It feels good!

Andrew said...

Ah Mago! You understand! Thank you good friend.

Cin said...

You are a wonderful friend to George!! I wish him the best! I am sure it will be one day at a time, but you help and his determination, he will get there.

Andrew said...

Thank you Cin! The ball is in George's court, but I will do what I can. George and I have been through so much through the years. It seems like we've been friends for ages. One day at a time...

Maire said...

I wish George every success; your such a great friend, and I hope he takes the advice of you and his Mother, and continues on his road to sobriety

Leann said...

Andrew, I tried your advise on the date and it didn't change so IDK *shrug* Thanks for the tip tho :-)

Jamie said...

Without being a jinx of course, I have my fingers crossed for George. I know that he can make it, although I am sure I have no idea how hard it is. I am so proud of you Andrew, because you made are so strong and such a good friend. Big hugs. :)

justLacey said...

So hoping George is successful.

Sharyna said...

And no Pookie...Sex is a strong aphrodesiac! I heard an old timer say, "The first year, you can have all the sex you want. And in year two, you can have it with another person" Have Ms. Florene flog that woman!

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