Thursday, August 25, 2016

I Knew This Guy Named Jack Once....
"Have you ever eaten at Jack's?" Charlie asked me this evening driving home from work. "I am pulling into their parking lot right now and will get you a combo meal. They also have the best fries of all the fast food places in my humble opinion."

I told Charlie that I haven't had a Jack's burger in years.

Charlie being at Jack's must surely mean he is in Lafayette, Alabama, the county seat, and on his Journey home. He will be back in the Chattahoochee Valley in about a half hour.

Eating this so soon towards bed will probably mean a bad case of heartburn come midnight, but I am throwing caution to the wind.

I Should Have Been An Entomologist...
The late evening or dusk cicadas are calling outside my window. It is such a mournful and sad sound like it's their swansong which is about right as they mate then die. What duration brood is this? I've heard many species cicadas calling all day -- getting very loud at certain intervals. The cacophony is unmistakable. Many cicadas stay dormant for 17 years before they emerge to mate and start the cycle all over again. Soon, the dusk cicadas will give way to the katydids at dark fall.

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