Sunday, August 21, 2016

They Live Such Wholesome Lives...

My sister once remarked how wholesome Charlie's and his wife's' lives are. She was pretty spot on in that assessment. Dad likes to tell that story from time to time. Growing up for me was pretty helter skelter. I can't escape without remembering Ingrid Michelson singing about yellow school buses brimming with hate.

Charlie called and asked me if I would go on Sunday rounds tonight and help him get all our food and drinks. We also had to take care of taking my medications and to feed and water the Magster.

"What does your mother want?" Charlie asked.

"She told me earlier that she wanted the number 2 combo meal from Wendy's." I replied back.

"Janice is sending you some of her chili she made yesterday," Charlie told me.

That sounded so delicious as Charlie's wife is an extraordinary and exemplary cook.

Earlier, I lay down on my fresh laundered covers to read a book I have been working on finishing. Maggie came running into the bedroom and jumped on the bed. Maggie thought is was nap time and soon she was fast asleep. I smiled and turned the page.

1 comment:

skinny minny said...

what book are you reading?