Monday, August 08, 2016

Kranky Kroger...
We got LaQuicia tonight according to her name tag and boy was she slow and sullen for a checkout lady. Dad and I both vocalized that we needed our Paige pronto who's appearances have become erratic the last few weeks. Paige was supervising the gas pumps in the parking lot tonight.

I rolled my eyes in flagrant discontent as I bagged my own groceries. I could also see my extra purchase of bananas grow into banana trees before my very own eyes. We finally and promptly headed to my car when I stopped and looked at my father. I sheepishly told him that we didn't remember my Baja Blast sodas.

"Shit!" I told my father as I winced and the anxiety swelled within, "I am so sorry about that.".

No Baja Blasts means no grocery day debriefing and a generally bad feeling -- a feeling of malcontent, loss, and lacking.

"I'll come back and get them tomorrow," I told my father who looked very tired and who was very quiet during all of this endeavor.

My father was a very kind and patient fellow tonight as we walked back inside to purchase my Baja Blast lime sodas. It was a little above $3. With Zack's (an employee) handiwork and a little tussle with the self-checkout machine, we were on our way.

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