Sunday, May 28, 2017

Regarding Medications...

We, my father and I, have been trying so very hard to take my medications around 9 to 9:30 PM. Life has a tendency to get in the way, though, as it often does.

It is now 9 PM and I haven't heard hide nor hair out of my father. It looks like it is going to be one of those nights that my father will be very late.

I can feel it in my bones -- the withdrawal that sets in late in the day. I feel fatigued and often not able to concentrate very well. Writing is slow and troublesome. I also get the butterflies in my stomach. It is a disconcerting feeling to say the least.

Here is the point in which I evoke my Auschwitz Mantra. Things could be a whole helluva lot worse than having to take my medications a couple of hours late. I could be transported back to 2001, my divorce, and the life I had that was in shambles in every way.

Addendum: Charlie arrived at 9:45 with my medications and all kinds of treats and goodies so all is well in my world.

Peace of Mind and an Adulated Friend...

No more worries for the evening...

"I brought Maggie a big bag of ribeye scraps and I brought you two steaks as well," Charlie told me as he began to wipe off my kitchen counters. "Today was Janice's birthday."

"I know," I replied. "I messaged her on Facebook."

Charlie also brought a green salad with Ranch dressing, a baked potato, and some toasted barbecue bread. There was also a piece of Charlie's chocolate pie.

You should've seen the grin that formed on my face. I was a happy little pea in my pod.

Charlie also brought all kinds of assorted sodas which thrilled me to death. I love variety when it comes to my sodas. I got 3 regular "leaded" Cokes, two Sprites, two Sunkist, and two diet Cokes. They were all in a cooler in the back of Charlie's car so they were already ice cold.

"Thank you for the occasional orange juice," I told Charlie of this morning's breakfast from McDonald's.

I would have gathered all my household trash but I wasn't expecting Charlie tonight. He went about gathering all my trash and taking it out to the road.


glittermom said...

Thank god for Charlie!

Summer said...

Amen to that Glittermom!