Monday, October 09, 2017


My grandmother loved a box of Cheez-its. I would bring her a box when I visited her in the old folk's home. Dad and I were talking about it a moment ago and now I am obsessed with getting a box of Cheez-its tonight as well. I just wish they weren't so expensive. It really cuts into my budget. You don't get any cheesier than Cheez-its.

"You look nice today," my father told me as I initially walked into his den.

I had just gotten out of the shower and put on some nicer than usual clothes fresh out of the dryer.

"I got all duded up as my great aunt Annie Mae would say," I told my father.

I was just over to get my medications. Dad and I have found that it is easier for me to get them earlier in the evening and then we will meet each other at Kroger for my grocery shopping. It works out very well for me and makes shopping easier. It can seem like such a laborious task sometimes (I sound like my mother).

1 comment:

Kran's Crackers said...

They're not quite as good as the original, but the Dollar Tree sells their own brand of cheese itz that are not bad at all. I haven't done a side by side comparison, but I like them and they only cost $1.
- Sharon -