Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Poor Dearest Maggie...

First and Second in Command
Guatemala's finest, Lopez Landscaping, paid me a visit late this afternoon. I told Lopez to always knock on the door before they began to cut the yard to let me know they are here so I can get Maggie inside and lock the dog door. I checked and Maggie was on the couch looking out the window so I went and closed the dog door. I then got back in my recliner and continued the book I was reading.

Well, very late this evening, Maggie was being very noisy and attentive so I thought she was hungry so I gave her some Kentucky's Finest honey baked ham and thought nothing else of it. She ate the ham and looked content until the noise started again. I was beginning to get worried about her in that something may be wrong with her medically.

Dad and I were feeding and watering Maggie tonight when dad noted that Maggie's dog door was shut. I felt like the dregs of society. Poor Maggie had held her bladder all afternoon without a mess or a leak. I opened the dog door and Maggie went flying out to use the bathroom. She was also barking up a storm obviously venting her frustrations. To my credit, that has only happened a handful of times over the years.


glittermom said...

The KFC ad shows the cookie with the pot pie $5 meal. So you should have got your cookie. The commercial in tv also shows a cookie with that meal.

Jane said...

Every time I hear Rod Stewart on the radio singing his Maggie song, I think about your little Maggie dog!