Saturday, October 21, 2017

You Can Just Smoke Your Little Heart Out...

I was sitting in the den curled up in my recliner thinking that this pasta salad I made and was eating wasn't very good when a horn blew. The Caprica was back in action. It was the Charles Meister. Maggie went nuts and I hurried to open the door to help him carry everything inside.

"I just went over to your daddy's and got your stuff and brought it to you," Charlie said. "Your daddy was sitting up in his pajamas with his finger up his ass and not answering his goddamn phone!"

I laughed and welcomed Charlie inside.

"Oh, you brought me a large Coke from McDonald's!" I exclaimed very excitably.

"Here are your medications," Charlie said as he handed me a Ziploc bag full of the good stuff.

"I also brought your diet Cokes and two packs of cigarettes. You can just smoke your little heart out today," Charlie told me.

"Let's get Maggie some food and water."

I felt like Christmas had arrived.

"I am bringing you two of your favorite sandwiches around nine on the way back from Horsefly's movie," Charlie told me. "That will give you something to look forward to."

I didn't know how to thank Charlie for all of this. Charlie had literally saved my day.

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