Thursday, October 05, 2017

Power Nap...

My neighbor's yard was being loudly cut next door as I took off my clothes down to my skivvies and got in the bed to the mechanical drone of a lawnmower. I thought I wouldn't sleep, but I woke up at 5 pm this afternoon when the phone rang. Yes, the calls from that nasty monster have about stopped.

Now, I call that a power nap. My injection always does make me feel drowsy on day one. It used to would knock me out for a week. Thank goodness I don't lose a week of my life like that anymore. It was a high price to pay for my sanity.

As I was falling asleep, Mrs. Priss, otherwise known affectionately as the Magster, came sauntering into the computer room. She's gotten too old to jump up on the bed herself so I have to pick her up and put her in the bed with me. My, she is heavy! She didn't awaken until the phone rang as well. We were power nap partners.

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