Wednesday, October 04, 2017

What's Going On Around Here Today...

Have I Met My Match?
"Well, I'll be damned," dad said over the phone. "And they are still calling?"

"10 or 15 times a day. It is making my nerves bad," I told my father. "I would unplug the phone, but I am worried you might need to get ahold of me. I am charging my iPhone right now and then I am going to unplug the landline phone."

Dad knows to ring twice on my landline and I will call him back ala Martha my mother. He can never remember my cell phone number so I had him write it down.

"Let me call Larry (dad's lawyer) and we can see what we can do," he said. "We might have to file harassment charges."

"It is Tuleana and not Rich," I added if it helped some. "Richard is too timid to do something like this. Tuleana is the one that is bat shiat crazy."

"What is her phone number?" dad then asked. "I am going to call her and threaten harassment charges and tell her not to ever call you again or she will be in for a world of pain."

I rummaged around atop my entertainment center and finally found the number and gave it to dad.

"I'll let you know what happens," my father told me. "Let's shake up her world a little bit."


Kran's Crackers said...

There are ways to block certain callers. You should check with your phone carrier (or hae your Dad do it) and see if you can block calls from her.
- Sharon -

Jane said...

what Kran's Crackers said!

Summer said...

Yes, block the number.

Sharyn said...

I shut my phone down to Contacts Only. If they're not on there, straight to voice mail!

Sharyn said...

I haven't seen anything on them since this post. Are they gone?

Sharyn said...

Well, what happened? Did dad get rid of them?