Friday, January 26, 2018

Poor Pitiful Papa...

"I've got you fixed up as far as your Cokes and smokes go," my father told me followed by a nasty hacking cough.

"There you are! I am headed that way," I told him. "It worried me when I couldn't reach you on the phone."

Dad said he had the flu and didn't have his cellphone turned on.

Well, when I arrived my father was a pitiful mess. He really is very sick. He said he hadn't eaten all day and I asked him if he wanted me to go get him some soup and crackers.

"Roger's Barbecue's Brunswick stew is like soup and you could eat it with some soda crackers," I told him.

He thanked me and said he would pass.

"I don't think I could keep any food down right now," he told me.

What is happening to my father is what happens when you work in a pharmacy. It certainly is a drawback. You are constantly coming in contact with nasty bugs and ailments.

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