Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I Don't Even Want to Hear a Pin Drop...

Papa has come and gone. I am in quiet mode tonight. I don't even want to listen to my omnipresent music. The only sounds are that of Maggie licking her paws on the floor beside me and the whisper quiet whir of the fans in my main computer next to me. I have about 45 minutes till my "morning" medications to take effect since I stay up all night. I will take my main dosage of psychiatric whoppers around midnight.

"The exterminator, Charles, is coming by around lunch tomorrow," my father told me. "He's going to put some rat poison under the basement."

Rats are the most clumsy and loudest of rodents. You hear stuff crash in the kitchen all throughout the night when you are in another room namely my computer room.

"Move your car tomorrow," Old Fuss and Feathers then told me tonight as he headed out the door. "I know your neighbors must wonder what you were doing."

I had backed up to my front steps to unload groceries in the deluge last night and forgot my car was out there. I wanted to say, "Yes, Hyacinth!" but I refrained.

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