Friday, May 07, 2004

Playing Cards……

Most of you that stop by this blog know I can be opinionated. I have a strong belief that sometimes you must say what is on your mind for your own health and the good of others as well. I try to be tactful and not be mean. I don’t want to run people off from reading my website but sometimes I just have to get something off my mind and throw it out into the world.

Mr. Barbieux at the recently wrote a diatribe on a certain guy in college in NYC who was living in the library saying he was never homeless and is using the term “homeless” for his personal gain. He is playing the “homeless” card just like people of color play the “race” card. It’s as simple as that.

I did some reading up on this guy last night and learned much. He is a damn hard working college kid just trying to get his education. He works three jobs and goes to school full time. He is a true entrepreneur. He was living in the library because he didn’t have enough student loans to cover a dorm. He now has free accommodations from the University because of his situation. He didn’t ask for your money though. Many people wanted to give and he directed them to to find out where they could donate to a charity. He is just a hard working kid that was just trying to get a college degree and his situation was so quirky it just caught on with the press.

I could just as easily play the “homeless” card on Mr. Barbieux. He rarely sleeps in the streets. He gets a warm bed and roof over his head most nights. He has been staying in a cheap hotel lately so technically right now he is not homeless. He gets three meals a day and you can obviously tell it. He is not going hungry any time soon. He even plays the system so well that you would not know he was homeless if you walked up on him on the streets. He would look well kept and his appearance would be in place.

I could as easily say he had it well off compared to the conditions I endured when I was homeless. I would get jealous of the meals he got to eat everyday and having a warm bed. I had to hump it to make ends met. I slept for the majority of five months in a tent and sleeping bag for the coldest part of the winter. I would have to cook my own meals on a fire and didn’t have someone handing them to me on a platter. I had pay for and shower at the truck stop because I didn’t dare do it here at the house for fear of arrest or retaliation.

I just needed to vent on this matter. Mr. Barbieux would most likely now try to play the “Mommy and Daddy” card on me because it took support from my parents to get me out of the woods. I do want to say this on that. I had to make tons of sacrifices and be humble and put aside my ego for that to work. I had to curb my drinking to an almost non-existent level. I had to start being responsible and play my part in the family. I also had to give in a take a medication that when I am sick I fear more than anything in the world. I was not easy and I and my parent’s relationship are vastly different now. A few months ago they would not even speak to me and now I talk to them everyday and we hug, laugh, and converse.
Well, I will get off my soapbox. I have to head to Mobile and will be back in a few days. Take care and good bye.

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