Friday, August 05, 2005

The Brighter Side of Yesterday

I feel much better today and much more upbeat. As they say, “Shit happens!” so you just have to go with the flow. I have much to do today and must get busy after being neglectful the past two days. I normally keep my apartment very clean but it has devolved into a state of disarray over the past few days. Laundry, dishes, and other things wait to be taken care of. I also have the urge to cook a pot roast in my crock pot. That means I have to walk down to the Piggly Wiggly to do some shopping. That will fill my belly and also get me up something to write about most likely.

I miss it when I don’t feel up to writing and posting it into my blog. My blog feels like this neglected step child that is languishing in cyber space. I greatly enjoy formulating and writing about my experiences. Often, as I interact with others, I try to pay close attention to what is going on. I try to catch those little nuances that make a situation interesting to read about. I read where other people grow to feel as if their blog becomes a chore and a second job. Most of the time, it is something that I take great satisfaction out of and I never feel that way. Let’s hope that continues because if it ever becomes a job or chore then I would find other things to do.

Well, let me get busy. I have much to do. I also need to update my radio station blog to give me something interesting to listen to tonight as I settle down and catch up on the blogs I like to read and have ignored for several days. Good day!

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