Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

It has been an unusual week for me. I have found myself intensely reading several journals for hours upon hours everyday in deep thought. I will literally get out of the bad, start reading, and read until time for work. I have even got out of the habit of watching my nightly soap operas from the United Kingdom that I download. On Eastenders, a few minor characters struck out for Spain for a holiday and that storyline just didn’t appeal to me at all. On Coronation Street, Shelly finally tossed aside the wretched man, Charlie Stubbs, on their wedding day. With such a climax, I lost the will to watch any longer as the soap opera would settle back into mediocrity at that point. I haven’t watched television for over a week and haven’t missed it one bit.

My experiments in controlled drinking didn’t go as planned the first of this week. I ended up getting sloshed. It causes me to do stupid shit and act erratic as far as this blog goes. I have realized that I do not enjoy being drunk at all and I used to love it. What I enjoy is a mild, gentle intoxication and a “high gravity” brew like Steel Reserve will get you drunk in just a few cans. Yesterday, I tried a very mild “light” beer and found that if I drank only one can per hour I could enjoy a beer without getting drunk. I do so enjoy a beer and a gentle “buzz” while I read. Maybe I am playing with fire though. It just seems I gotta live life dangerously sometimes.

I went to eat at McDonalds tonight with my mother on our usual Thursday night out. For some reason she wanted to eat there. It was the first time I’ve had fast food in ages and it reminded me why. I hate the stuff. The restaurant was nasty. They were out of everything including those little packets of ketchup for the fries. What kind of burger place runs out of ketchup? I asked the lady at the counter if she would ask one of the cooks if they could put some ketchup in a small cup or container for us that they use for the burgers. She looked at me as if I just asked her what the secret of life was. I also hate how at McDonalds they cook the beef patties for what seems like hours ahead of time and keep them in those little warmer trays. I told mom we should have gone to Sarah Jay’s (a local family owned burger joint) and got a good burger with good service and at just a few dollars more. She agreed. We did have a good, long talk though. I enjoy those times with her and look forward to our weekly night out.

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