Monday, November 20, 2006

3 Miles Down…

I only managed to hike three miles today until something started to burn and hurt in my hip. I limped on home to rest after taking a short break to catch my wind and to have a smoke in the small park in front of the cotton mill. Hopefully, it was just some weird aberration and will be fine in the morning. My hiking today has ended though.

The trains were really roaring through downtown this morning. I had to keep an open ear out for what was coming down the tracks; several times having to step to the side to let one pass. I kept worrying that one of the engineers was going to call the bulls (railroad police) and have me arrested for trespassing. Luckily, I got some apathetic engineers or even lazier bulls.

One of my greatest fears is having to pass a stranger on the sidewalk. I dread this occurrence. I am always unsure of how to act or react. I passed one woman and smiled gently nodding hello. She didn’t even acknowledge me and walked on with her sack lunch in her hand. This really got my paranoia to going and it took a few hundred yards of distance in between us for me to relax; just another day in the life of anti-social, schizophrenic, crazy nut.


latibug said...

I'm sorry you were only able to get a few miles in today. It stinks when you have a goal and don't reach it.


Cheilita said...

I like your blog. I have worked with alot of people with schizophrenia. It's an incredible thing. Thanks for your thoughts.

m said...

Aw.Hang in there. Maybe a break for your hip and your head is in order.

Cheryl said...

Hey Andrew,

You might be walking past people that also suffer from social anxiety. They might be thinking the same thing as you. I'm sure you come off as a confident man.

I wanted to stop by and say hi. Hope the rest of your day was good.

SimplyTim said...


I walk most every day. Why? Real simple: I feel better because of it. I don't feel as "grounded" if I don't.

Every once in a while I'll take a day off and my body seems to like that routine also. My mind and energy don't mind the "vacation" of one day. Tne next day I get right back into it if I can.

abbagirl74 said...

I love your anti-social, schizophrenic, crazy nut self.

Karen said...

When I was in high school I came up with the phrase, "I'm weird and proud of it." It has helped me through many a situation where I might otherwise have felt a lack of self confidence.

You can make up a similar phrase. Just grab onto whatever pops into your head that is a statement that confirms that you love yourself.

You are a wonderful person! We all can feel it and know it, and it is only partly because of what you do for others.

That doing would not be there if there were not inside you an innate goodness.

So, hold your head high and just walk on past with an internal smile because you love yourself and all of your quirks because they make you be you.