Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Voter Express…

I ended up picking up both my mother and her mother to go vote. They wouldn’t have voted otherwise.

“Who do I vote for again?” My mother asked as we walked to the polls.

“George W. Bush,” My grandmother said interrupting.

I laughed.

“Memaw, this is not the presidential race.”

“Well, I am voting Republican anyway,” She replied crankily.

My grandmother sits in her house all day watching Fox News and their bullshit propaganda 24/7. She thinks G. W. hung the moon. It drives one of my liberal uncles crazy and they often argue over politics. I never divulge my political leanings to her as she can be so abrupt and abrasive about it.

We all showed our IDs and got our paper ballots to go sit down at a table to vote.

“I don’t know any of these damn people,” Mom said pushing her ballot towards me across the table. “You fill it out for me.”

There were several amendments to the state constitution and they worded them upon the ballot so confusingly, you really didn’t know what you were voting for. One was for a new ad velorum tax to give more funding for schools for which I voted yes. I would rather our tax money go to our children than the swills in our state house and Washington for pork barrel politics. We finished and then slid our ballots into the ballot boxes and we were done.

I then drove us on over to Sarah Jay’s for lunch and a few burgers.

“It’s my treat,” I said as we walked into the restaurant.

I and mom both ordered burgers and fries and Memaw ordered a vegetable plate. Our food was delicious and cheap. It took my grandmother thirty minutes to eat her three vegetables and cornbread though. She eats so amazingly slow. By the time she finished, my mother was blowing loudly and rolling her eyes. I wish mom had more patience with her mother. Memaw was just glad to get out of the house and was savoring every minute of it. She talked nonstop the whole time. She gets so lonely.

I then took them both to their homes in a driving rain and walked them both to their backdoors under the protection of my umbrella. We exchanged hugs and goodbyes and I made my way on home as well. I got three votes for the price of one today even though my grandmother voted a straight Republican Party ticket. I wish she would have been a little more choosey with her choices and taken time to pick individual candidates. It is odd for an elderly woman to be so staunchly Republican.


serenagold said...

A the joys of voting...


this is why I vote along party lines. I have no idea who the local guys are. I come out to vote for a few, then tend to elect their posse along with them.

also, i agree with your uncle... Fox News is the devil! (yet i.. can't... turn.. it... off! must know what the other side is thinking!)

nowere said...

Hi, I'm from Spain and I don't speak english very well. I found your blog pushing the "next blog" button.

I'm agree with you both too, Fox News is the Devil, and GWB is Satan (a certain kind of stupid one).

I don't understand your political position in your country. It's like a religion (in case of Republicans, a reactionary one). If you are republican (or democrat), you are that for all your live. People maybe dont't know exactly what his party wants for your country but they vote for it anyway.

I don't know why I write this to you, I guess I'm happy to find a north american with your point of view.

Sorry for the language.

Proxima said...

I'm a lean Green voting machine. If it's good for the environment, it's good for all of us. Second, I believe in choice and individual responsibilty.

Government is supposed to be "...for the people, by the people". The Demcrats and the Republicans need to stop selling out to corporate America.

I base my decisions on the individual candidates not the party lines and my voting ballot refects that.

G.W. Bush is not evil, just stupid-- but it's hard to tell the difference when it causes death and despair for more then a hundred thousand people.

And yes, my number is conservative. When you consider that every life lost in the war affects at least twenty people, if not more: friends, family, classmates, employers, coworkers and that girl that used to give him "the eyes" when he came in for his morning cup of coffee.

Wilderness Artist said...


There are lots and lots of people who think like we do, who are reaching out with love and friendship to all people, for we are all connected by the One (given different Names by different peoples).

We do not have a voice in the media, but we are here, and growing in ever-increasing circles. Each person who reaches out with love and acceptance sends that positive energy to others, who in turn send it to others.

It is an underground movement with more and more believers in the power of Love. When our numbers reach "critical mass" the world will change for the better.

"Inner Peace Brings World Peace"

I hope you return to share with us.