Monday, March 26, 2018

Hunger Says Buy Me!

As soon as my father and I stepped into Kroger tonight, I sent him on a mission.

"Dad, get me some paper bowls and a small jar of peanut butter," I told him.

He said he was on the job and moments later caught me looking at applesauce and handed me the items. I swear by paper bowls both for snacks and meals and the peanut butter was for my rattraps. It is very quiet rodent wise tonight which gets my hopes up. Maybe they've moved out? There is nothing to eat within their reach. I bought some sticky glue traps tonight and we will see how they work as well.

I was on a mission myself for healthy foods to eat that don't have a lot of calories and that are filling. I bought all natural apple sauce, no sugar added fruit cups, cottage cheese, tuna creations, ready rice for the tuna, etc. Dad then proceeded to put a more modest amount of Lean Cuisine meals in my cart this time. He got sticker shock last week with the amount we spent.

I did really well on my diet this week. I actually surprised myself. I am still afraid to step on my scales for what I may see, though. I haven't weighed since this all began.


glittermom said...

Back at Kroger’s?

Gin said...

I'll suggest raw bacon for your rat trap. Works much better than peanut butter, which rats and mice can often just lick off the paddle without tripping the trap. Just cut a small piece of the lean part of the bacon, put it on the paddle, wrap either dental floss or sewing thread around and around until the bacon is almost covered, then set the trap. There's no way a rat can rob the trap without tripping it.