Monday, March 19, 2018

I've Got the Going On a Diet Blues...

I did terribly on my diet last week. I ate pretty much everything in sight.

"Let's try this," my father said as we were walking into Kroger. "Cook you two eggs and a strip of bacon for breakfast and then eat a lean cuisine meal for lunch and supper."

 "Alright," I said moping. "I'll give it a try."

Dad was running way late tonight and the Pig was about to close so we went to Kroger.

All my extra weight resides in my waist and my cheeks are looking full giving me a puffy faced and pot-bellied look. My late grandmother would say I looked healthy. Of course, she grew up during the Great Depression.

We immediately headed to the frozen food aisle and I let my father pick out enough meals to last till next Monday. He seemed to be enjoying himself. I also had to get a big bag of Maggie's hifalutin dog food. That was $15 out of my budget. They also had six packs of diet 7-UP in the bottles for four for $10 dollars and I stocked up on them as well.

I allowed myself one splurge and that is my Little Debbie honey buns and a gallon of milk.

"You can have one honey bun heated and consumed with a glass of milk before bed," my father said. "That way you won't feel so deprived."

The total came out to be well over $100 dollars with all those expensive Lean Cuisine meals and we bought quite a few. My freezer is full.

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