Wednesday, March 28, 2018

I'm Not a Monster...

Last night was the first time in many weeks I was able to sleep through the night without being awoken by something crashing in the kitchen or the pitter patter of little feet running by me on the bedroom floor. I finally have peace. You wouldn't believe how loud and boisterous those animals were. Yes, killing the rats was a dirty and bloody business, but as I said this is war. It was me or them and I wasn't about to let them run me out of my own house.

They first came in through the dog door eating Maggie's food and drinking her water. They soon moved in and made themselves at home thus spurring me into action. I don't take much satisfaction for what I did. I have a conscience and it worried me deeply. I asked my father several times if what I was doing was right and he spurred me on saying it was a dirty business but must be done. It was more humane killing them than just dropping the rat and the glue trap into the trash and forgetting them (as it advised on the packaging). That would be true suffering to just die of thirst and lack of food -- suffering from a lack of mobility.

I think I got the last rat last night just before bed and that will be the end of that. I won't be writing about it anymore. Those of you with heightened sensitivities can also rest in peace.

Editor's Note: Rats and fleas contributed to the spread of the bubonic plague in the medieval ages or dark ages as they are also known. Tens of millions of people died during the plague. The fleas would bite the host which were the rats and then bite humans thus transferring the pathogen. I always worried fleas from the rats infesting my home would bite Maggie and myself giving us some similar or lesser ailment. I know it sounds like paranoia, but that's just my schizophrenic nature making its presence known.


Me said...

Andrew I have been reading your blog for many years and through a few blogs. Killing mice or rats is nothing to worry about. They are rodents who affect your quality of life. I also use glue traps, basically I have no desire to pick up a mouse and a mouse head. No one has to agree with me but they also dont get to have a say in how I dispose of vermin. I know it's not easy but dont listen. Your life, your home, your solution

Kran's Crackers said...

I agree. Your house, your blog, your life. Say what you want when you want to. Nobody here has the right to police what you say.Think of the rats and mice as intruders into your home. If someone broke in, you wouldn't invite them to stay. You'd eject them. This is just ejecting vermin that carry diseases and will adversely affect your life (i.e. lack of sleep) and could possibly bite Maggie. You did the right thing.
- Sharon -

Rita said...

Rodents are nasty and no one wants them. Evidently they are thriving in America. The plague does still exist, but now there is medication that will keep us from dying from the plague.

Ever watch the Monty Python movies? I haven't seen them in decades, but the first one has scenes where carts come by and pick up deceased people. The one thing I remember is the men saying, "Throw out your dead."

glittermom said...

Sorry if I was judgemental. You have to do what you have to ..hope your problem gets fixed.

Berryvox said...

I squirm at the thought of killing rats/mice. Personally, I'd try to use live traps and release them in the woods but I do understand that that's a lot of work and might not even work. I have a mild ant infestation at the moment though and have zero problem flushing those buggers down the kitchen drain when I sweep them up.