Friday, March 02, 2018

Mr. Fix-it...

Charlie is supposed to be bringing a big screen LCD television for me to look at today. He said the sound has quit working. I am very sure it is some setting in a menu that's got the sound turned off by accident. It was Horsefly's TV -- no telling what Horsefly changed playing with the remote. Luckily, Charlie has televisions galore and gave Horsefly another TV or trouble would be soon to follow. Horsefly has to watch his Sesame Street and Dora the Explorer DVDs.

"Be sure to bring the remote as well," I made sure to tell Charlie over the phone last night.

You about can't do anything without a television's remote these days. I hope he brings it this morning before work and not late tonight. I am anxious to work my gadgetry wizardry and magic.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

And a curious kitty changed my laptop language to something Latvian or such and THEN locked me out!! Funny Kitty!!