Thursday, March 08, 2018

The Elises Are in the House...

Let me preface this post and explain what I mean by Elises. My father had some customers for years named Elis that were completely clueless and bumbling. They'd forget their purse or wouldn't have enough money or just plain forget why they walked into the pharmacy. Dad calls him and I the Elises as a joke to our bumbling and forgetful nature.

Well, this injection stuff started off smoothly with me driving to the pharmacy.

"Hey Andrew, how can I help you?" Angie, the pharmacist, and the owner said.

"I am here for my injection," I replied quite smugly.

"Your dad took the injection home with him Tuesday," she replied.

"Well, it was nice of him to tell me," I said with a laugh wiping the smugness right off my face.

I hurried back up through the Valley to my father's house. It was a race against the clock. They had already called him from the drugstore and said I had been there.

"We're the Elises," dad said standing at his back door laughing jovially.

"I've got to hurry before the lobby fills up," I told my father laughing as well.

I drove quickly back down through the Valley to Kamath Medical with my injection in my hand. I signed in at 9:24 AM. I was over 20 minutes late.

Guess what? I get a nurse who has never given my injection and she seemed a little overwhelmed. I walked her through how to put it together while trying not to step on her toes. I will give her credit. She did pretty well. About that time, Rebecca stuck her head in the door and was going to give me my injection.

"We're already done," I told her pulling up my pants. "It is good to see you, though."

She had the most quizzical look on her face at this mixup.

My last duty was to drive back through the Valley and give my father my next appointment card. Dee Dee had already prepared it as soon as I walked out of the examining room. Dad was so glad to see me and welcomed me inside. I drank a Diet Coke and aggravated Samantha while my father watched his current obsession, Dr. Phil.

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