Sunday, November 05, 2006

Am I writing too much…?

Am I writing to much these days for a blog? I just want your opinion as my readers on this matter. I have just been in a writing mood for over the past week and can’t wait to get home to capture in words something that has happened to me.

Someone had emailed me kind of disparagingly saying I must spend most of my time blogging. In reality, it only takes me around 5 to 10 minutes to write a post and publish it. I never have to edit my writings other than for spelling mistakes. The words just flow out into my word processor from my hands upon the keyboard and then I copy, paste, and publish them. I just type very, very fast and error free. If I am writing too many posts per day then I will cut down the number.


Sue said...

I love reading anything you write :-) the more the better!

Wilderness Artist said...

The words flow out of you because you have a gift. Don't question it, or stifle it! Just let it happen.

You write beautifully.

I see positive progress in your profile change. Keep up the good work!

Write as soon as you can when it comes to you, and not later. If it wants to come out, let it!

If we do not want to read it, we don't have to visit!
I am glad you have copies on your computer as backup. Is there a backup to the computer, also? Do you copy to disc every once in awhile?

They might be ramblings to you, but they definitely are book material. I read a lot of books, and am a pretty good judge of what is interesting to read. You might want to copy and paste selected "cricket chirps" also, as these help round out the dialog and the progression of events.

~*~K said...

Don't ever stop writing! I love your blogs, and there can never be too many!

SKQBDOO said...

Keep it coming!!!!

Summer said...

Don't make me beg...

emptydog said...

Keep writing. Your posts are always enjoyed and appreciated by me.

Proxima said...

Writing is like running. Everyone has a different pace. Even when a post becomes a little lengthy, as long as it has "structure" (paragraph format), then we can look away because of inevitable distractions and still find our place when we look back.

And as the others have stated, you don't have to worry about readabiltiy. ;)


Jones said...

Keep writing Andrew, it's a pleasure to read your blog. It's well written and if someone thinks you blog too much tell that someone to do something else but leave you alone.

gregoire5 said...

I think you should write because you feel like it or want to. Also, as a reader, it seems to me the author I read will be more interesting if she/he writes for himself not paying too much attention to the potential readers. Write whatever whenever because you want to is enough reason to do it.

"wilderness artist" talks about a book too! Her idea to add some of the "cricket chirps" to some project seems to be a very good one too! I can't help saying once again how a book would be great... this of course would be the first one of a long serie.

You seem to live an increasingly meaningful and enjoyable life which, as I recall was one of your desire a few months ago... I'm glad your writing shows you're getting there. I'm really glad for you.

Keep up the great work, whatever the amount (to me, the more the better when it comes to your writings)

Friendliest thoughts,


Cheryl said...

Just keep writing, OK? We love you the way you are...don't change for what you think we want to hear.

LeNightowl said...

I envy you for being so articulate, I wish I could do the same but I guess I suffer from a kinfd of mental block :)
Your blog is the one I keep checking regularly, and I'm never disappointed.
So please keep it going Jonathon, you have a new French friend to consider :)

austere said...

Just write!
You write superbly, and we come back to read.
Someone who doesnt want to read, should go take a hike.

LeNightowl said...

PS: I also suffer from a typo syndrome, by the looks of it :)))

M said...

There is no such beast as "writing too much", especially on your own blog!

2 The World U R 1 Person, 2 1 Person U R The World said...

I had to chime in as well and say Keep the entries coming!
It is YOUR blog and you are entitled to write what you want when you want and how often you want.
I do understand you value the readership. You have a popular blog with many readers, gaining new ones everyday.
But as you can see, we, the readership, love every word you write. So don't pull back. Write on!
On a personal note, the more you write, the more of a 'treat' I get when I get time to sit down and read. Your blog is the relaxing part of my day, my time to do with what I choose... which is hard when you have a toddler running around. Your time is always used up by them haha.
Take Care!

Annabel said...

No. You're not writing too much. You have a great gift and should use it. I really think you should work on something to publish.