Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Big, Giant Leaps for Andrew-kind...

Yesterday was a big momentous day for my rehabilitation.  I drove myself to get my injection and didn't need any help.  Normally, Tim, my father's employee, would pick me up and take me.   Tim would wait in the waiting room and then make sure I got another appointment. 

"Come here," my father asked me as I was standing in his pharmacy.

Dad brought me over to Tim's little cubicle.

"He did it himself," dad told Tim excitedly.  "He got his shot without help."

I started to grow embarrassed and dad caught on to this.

"Attaboy!" Tim said with a kind smile on his face.  "I actually like getting out of this store to take you."


Mom started the "he's out of gas" bullshit last night.  My mother can be so obsessive compulsive. 

"She's afraid she is going to have to do it," dad told me as we met at Fat Albert's to fill of my car.

"She called me five freaking times on the phone tonight," I told dad.

"That's your mother," dad said laughing.

"Mom sure can make life complicated, but we would do without if it wasn't for her help."


forsythia said...

Congratulations on your one giant step,
OCD. I can relate. It's sure annoying for the innocent bystanders, however. :-)

Seth M. Ward said...


justLacey said...

You are doing so well. It's hard to remember you weren't always doing it yourself.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

good for you andrew :)

(M)ary said...

awesome! giant steps for Andrew-kind!

next time your mom calls tell her to "chillax!"

anonymous said...

Some great insight into your family dynamics. Remember, sometimes you are the sanest of the bunch (next to George's Mom).

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I can only imagine the personal satisfaction you got from being able to handle that on your own!

I'm with Tim - ATTABOY!

But then I bet that deep down you knew you could do it all along didn't you?


Syd said...

Hey Andrew, I haven't been here in a while to comment but I do read your blog. I am glad that you got your injection without being driven there. It sounds like a good step. One step forward each day, one foot in front of the other.

Lena said...

Good for you!! It must have made your day.

Lena said...

Good for you!! It must have made your day.

Cheryl said...

I love these little vignettes. A slice of life. It's a pleasure to hear the things that make you happy.

Jules said...

Johnathon, we miss you when you don't write! How's everything today?

Lex said...

Wow congradulations! What a great accomplishment!

I always enjoy your writing, something about it makes it a joy to read rather than having to drudge through long bodies of text!

I was wondering if I might get your opinion on something? It is a bit off topic I admit and I absolutely appologize for not being able to find a more appropriate place to post this, but I was wondering if I might be able to get your take onthe recovery movement that is hitting the mental health field by storm?

Hey what an interesting post! I apologize most profusely for this being a rather off topic reply, but I’ve been reading through a few of your posts and I’d very much like to get your opinion on the matter, I just didn’t know where to post it so I went with the most recent entry!

It sounds as if you are rather well informed about mental healthcare, I would love to hear your input on the subject! Especially in regards to whether you felt one was more effective in treatment plans than the other. But if you haven’t encountered such a treatment plan, I would very much love to hear your take on the recovery model that is hitting the mental health field by storm of late anyways!

I would very much love to hear feedback and if you don’t mind I might even like quote you back on my own blog, the Mental Health Recovery Blog ( you would be comfortable with such a quotation. I will of course reference back to you, but if you would prefer not to no worries at all I’d still very much love to hear your opinions!

If your not overly familiar with what the recovery movement is, there are some great article links at this post (, and another great article is here (

I look forward to speaking with you more on the issue!

Warm regards,
MHCD Research and Evaluations

Cheryl said...

You've been gone too long. Come back please!

Francesca said...

Where didja go? Sure do miss you...

S said...

I really hope you are okay Andrew! I'm worried...

anonymous said...

Damn it Andrew, I can't quit you.

kristi said...

Hi Andrew. I have gone private. E mail me if you want to read.

Hope you are okay!