Thursday, August 31, 2017

Rainy Night of the Living Dead...

Virtual Walmart Employees
It's just turned 4:30 am and I have just returned from a trip to Walmart or the entity I affectionately call Wally World. I waited for all of this rain to abate for awhile and a break in the rain finally happened.

I needed some RCA patch cables for my home theater (hooking up the minidisc player) and it has been bugging the hell out of me that my home theater is incomplete.

Oh, BTW, the cheap audio cables work just as well as the expensive ones. A word to the wise. Only audiophiles can tell the difference and that is quite questionable as well.

The Walmart employees were all like these automatons -- going through the motions as if having been programmed and manipulated.

"What's going on my brotha?" one abnormally friendly mulatto fellow asked breaking down cardboard boxes near the main aisle.

"Trying to beat this next batch of rain my friend," I replied back to him cheerfully -- too cheerful for this early in the morning.

I chuckled when I saw one fellow purchasing big rubber boots, or what some would call goulashes, ahead of me. He's going to need them as we have much more rain on the way. I hurried home before it could start storming in earnest again and all this rain coming off the Gulf of Mexico looks almost angry.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Comment Replies...

Blogger glittermom said...

Labor Day weekend! Is Charlie having his big shindig cookout?

Andrew Replied...

He sure is my friend and I have already been invited which I shied away from.

"I'll bring you a plate," Charlie told me very kindly.

I asked Charlie this afternoon what he was cooking and he is cooking ribeye steaks. Yum! Charlie makes a marinade of half melted butter and half A-1 sauce and it is just delicious.

I'm Not Much One to Cry Wolf...

Worst feeling in the world! You're busted!
"You need to get on over here," I urgently told my father about 8:30 pm over the phone. "The weather is going to get very nasty very shortly."

It was medication time! Dad heeded my words and pulled up in front of my house in 20 minutes. He was also the bearer of good news about mom's car.

"Let me line up the front end and then the car is yours," he told me as he sat down on my couch. "It's pulling to the left really badly when you put on the brakes."

"You need to get the brake rotors turned as well," I told my father, the main culprit of the pulling left, and he said he would.

Dad also smelled awful boozy tonight and he was overly jovial -- cutting up and being a regular lark.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" I asked him very worriedly.

I've only had one beers occifer.

"I haven't had that much to drink -- just two glasses of wine," he replied huffily.

Those were my famous last words when I drank until a police cruiser came pulling up behind me with his lights shining brightly in ill omen. Clang went the jail cell doors until the next morning and I would be released.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Aggressive Negotiations...

My father and I are going through what I call "aggressive negotiations" at the moment. It is over some computer parts I need and Johnny Otis is cheap as dirt. Matt, the pharmacy computer guru, is caught in the middle.

I am trying to upgrade the audio components of my three main computers. I want to upgrade to high fidelity sound cards and 200-watt speakers. I am also ordering 12 Terabytes of hard drive storage as well. Just general PC upgrades as my computers need freshening up a bit.

"Let me borrow the money from mom's money," I told him very trepidatiously and with great caution. "I will pay it back by not getting my Cokes for awhile."

"Now, you and I both know you will be dying for those Cokes in just a week," my father said scolding me. "Try to knock off a few more hundred dollars and I may consider ordering your list."

Sigh, back to the drawing board I go. There goes that 32 inch $352 dollar computer LCD monitor I had my heart set upon.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Tired, Weary and Saddleworn...

Bringing in my groceries tonight felt like a gargantuan task to me as I pulled into my front yard and backed up to the front steps. I trudged back and forth from the car to the kitchen until I got them all on the kitchen counter ever minding Maggie's whereabouts. Step one. Then, it was time to put them away. I cracked open an ice cold Fanta orange as fuel for this task as I leaned on the counter and surveyed my acquisitions. Then it was time for step two: fill those cupboards.

Last week, I got 4 gallons of mediocre non-caffeinated Kroger tea and went back to milk this week. At least, I am getting some nutrition from the milk. The tea was lackluster with a weird twang to its taste.

Kroger, thank the Ethos, finally had their version of Frosted Flakes (with a new look) in stock after weeks and weeks of being out. Tea? Exit stage left. Milk? Now is your time to shine.

Like a broken record, I also got enough provisions to make my spaghetti twice this week as well. Play it again Sam.

My biggest worry and aggravation tonight was finding Kroger grated Parmesan cheese for my spaghetti. It was in the most unlikely place near the bathrooms. I must've looked for 10 minutes.

My only impulse buy was 10 cans of Chef Boyardee for $10. Oh, and I did buy some apple juice as well that wasn't planned.

Moving in Silent Desperation...

Well, the gravy train is certainly over after last week's windfall. Papa is supervising a much-needed grocery night tonight. No more $134 shopping sprees like with Charlie. Where did all that food go? I was moving in silent desperation wondering if he saw last week's receipt yet -- afraid to call my father.

"I just walked out to get the paper. I almost missed your call," my father said when I called him this afternoon. "How in the hell did you and Charlie spend so much on groceries last week?"

Dad was obviously looking at the receipt. I chuckled extremely nervously. It was time to pay the piper.

"He kept putting items in my cart that he thought I might like," I replied to my father. "I protested to no avail."

"I go away for a week and you two go on a grand shopping spree. Molten lava cakes?"

"Can we get some gas tonight at Kroger?" I then asked my father trying to change the subject unsuccessfully. "I am on dead empty."

"Sure," my father replied. "We'll fill up your car, but we are putting you and Charlie on the economy food plan."

I laughed.

"Sheesh," dad said exasperatedly. "I will see you at nine tonight!"

Sunday, August 27, 2017

All We Ever Do is Say Goodbye...

Boy, was I sure glad to see the KFC cavalcade come pulling up in front of my house. It was already past 9 pm. Maggie and I gave my father and Charlie the grand arrival treatment. Maggie was barking in earnest and I was cajoling them to hurry and come inside. Maggie was being bad tonight and tried to escape out the door to go meet them. That is my job.

"Maggie, you little shit. You know you are not supposed to do that," I admonished her while pulling her away from the door. She was so excited and ready to bolt.

"You hungry?" Charlie asked me as I walked out to his car.

"I am ravished," I replied anxiously.

I was quite ready to eat my chocolate chip cookie.

Dad was riding shotgun -- gathering all my items to carry inside. Charlie handed me my drink and Horsefly's drink as well.

"You give Horsefly a Coke and he sure will be blowing chunks in just a few minutes," Charlie told me laughing jovially. "He can only drink Sprite Zero."

I woefully hated to see Charlie and dad leave. I was lonesome tonight for some guests and that is odd for me. Usually, I am content in being in my own little world.

"I love you, son," Dad said giving me another bear hug and he then followed Charlie out the front door.

Glittermom -- The sausage egg McMuffin's were delicious this morning. Thanks for the tip. You probably remember that I don't care much for ham/Canuck bacon.

As if He Never Left...

I called Charlie yesterday afternoon to inquire about when my father would be back. My father's and my lackadaisical approach to such matters drives Charlie crazy.

"He's home," Charlie said much to my complete surprise. "Go see him. He has asked me a hundred questions about you and how you did while he was gone."

I called my father and he told me to drive on over and take my medications for the day. Somethings will never change. Dad had just got back from the veterinarian after picking up Samantha the cat. I know Sam was glad to be home along with my father.

Dad and I gave each other a long and warm embrace when I walked through the back door. Dad told me all about his trip and all the wonderful seafood he ate on his visit to the beach -- the grand white beaches of the gulf shores of Florida.

Charlie will be along with breakfast in a few hours. I requested egg McMuffin's this Sunday -- something we've never tried in all these years Charlie has been bringing me breakfast.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Time to Settle Into My Nightly Routines...

Charlie has been by finally. I thought he would never get here tonight. I was anxious to take my medications and fall into that sleepy and dopey calm they impart upon me. I saw his car turn at the corner and Maggie and I both got excited. We both recognized his car. Maggie whined and then yelped as Charlie pulled up to the curb.

"I owe you a big favor," Charlie said with a hug. "You saved my butt big time this morning."

"You've saved my butt countless, countless times over the years so we are even," I replied back to Charlie.

Charlie then asked me where he should go to get a new tire.

"West Point Tire and Auto," I replied to Charlie. "The shop looks like a dump, but they do awesome work."

Something is really bugging Maggie tonight outside. She greeted Charlie and then returned to her guard duties in the backyard. I noticed when I walked out to the curb to greet Charlie that all the neighborhood dogs were in an uproar. The neighborhood dog grapevine was in full effect.

Charlie's Stroke of Bad Luck...

I was sound asleep when the phone obnoxiously rang. I looked at the clock and it showed 9:30 am. I didn't get to bed until almost 5 am. I was running on 4 hours of sleep.

"I knew I should've unplugged the phone," I said to myself as I crawled out of the bed.

Maggie immediately jumped off the bed and ran to the phone. The phone usually means something is up and happening around these parts. Maggie can also recognize the voices and gets excited.

"Andrew!" Charlie said sheepishly when I answered. "I hit something on the road and it flattened my tire."

I am renowned in the family for my expertise in such matters.

"Where are you?" I asked Charlie, not beating around the bush.

"On the main road to highway 280 just before you get into Lafayette," Charlie replied.

Charlie was headed to work.

"I will be there in 30 minutes tops," I told Charlie and I moved with swift action.

Charlie very audibly sighed with relief.

Charlie must have had a run-in with a military tank as his left front tire was completely shredded. Most likely he must have tried to drive on it, but the rim seemed okay. I had his full-size spare tire on in just a few short minutes. Charlie has also been known to hit a curb or two just like my mother would always do as well.

"Charlie? I am running dangerously low on gas," I then told him.

I followed Charlie to the gas station in town and we filled up my car to the brim.

"Do you want to go to Jack's and get a good breakfast?" Charlie asked me.

Jack's does have the best breakfast around here.

"I'm headed back to the bed," I told him in a polite way.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

YAY! Charlie Was Just Here!

"Charlie's Here!" I said loudly as I looked over the top of this computer monitor and saw him drive up to the curb.

Maggie was on the computer room bed and almost busted her little butt trying to get to the door first.

"Here's you two Chick-fil-A sandwiches with Polynesian sauce," Charlie told me over the din of Maggie's barking knowing they are my favorite chicken sandwiches.

"I can't sleep Jon-Tom," Charlie then told me looking anguished as he filled Maggie's water bowl. "I haven't slept in 24 hours."

"Take some of my Klonopin," I told him. "They will knock you out."

Charlie laughed and gave me a hug. I hugged Charlie back something fiercely in a tight embrace. I was so glad to see him and he was so early as well. I put my head on his shoulder as he was opening my medications,

"I love you so much, Charlie," I told him platonically.

"I love you, too, Andrew," Charlie replied with a chuckle. "Now let me see you take your medications and I will love you ever more so."

Charlie is the jack of speed and was gone about as soon as he got here. No doubt, he was headed to his new house which is just across town right at the top of thrill hill.

The Deed is Done...

"That was quick!" Charlie said as he sat in his car in Kamath Medical's parking lot.

I returned with the ever so important next appointment card and handed it to Charlie. In two more weeks, it will be September.

"Rebecca called me back as soon as I sat down in the lobby," I replied. "They spoil me rotten."

"Let's go get you some breakfast," Charlie then said.

"Better yet," I replied. "I just want a bottle of crisp, icy-cold Sprite to drink."

Charlie sounded much less sick this morning with what he had being a  24-hour bug most likely.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Cold of Another Kind...

It is extremely unlike Charlie to come so late. I hesitated to call as he is like my father about such matters. They both hate being rushed or feeling pressured.

He showed up at 10:00 pm tonight. I was about beside myself with worry and needing my medications as my injection was certainly waning or has been metabolized out of my buttock muscle. I thought maybe Horsefly had pitched one of his epic hissy-fits down at the bowling alley.

"I am very sick," Charlie said walking across my yard sniffling over Maggie's enthusiastic barking. "I've got a cold and don't you dare catch it!"

"I get sick mentally, but not physically per se," I reparteed back without much consolation.

I cringed about catching a cold as Charlie emptied the meds into the palm of his hand to give them to me. I then greedily took my medications in one gulp after Charlie cracked open a "leaded" Coca-Cola for me.

"I am going to call you to make sure you're up in the morning," Charlie told me regarding my injection as we walked across my lawn to his car. "And I will see you at Kamath Medical at 9 am."

Comment Replies...

glittermom said...

Do you remember what tomorrow is time for? 💉

Andrew Replied...

Why my father will not trust me to get my injection I don't know, but I have to remind him of it most weeks oddly enough. It got complicated today. Dad had Charlie's wife, Janice, go pick it up at the pharmacy today and Charlie is meeting me at Kamath Medical in the morning with the injection at 9 am. I guess I should be glad that so many people care and take an active role in my mental health and mental well-being.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Well, I'll Be Double Damned...

Yes, Charlie Used To Have Hair!
What in tarnations is this?

I was sitting at this computer when Maggie yelped loudly and started squealing in earnest. That could mean only one thing with my father out of town. It was Charlie time!

I hurried to the den to open the front door...

"I've got Horsefly in the car so I've got to hurry," Charlie told me as he stepped inside. "He's acting antsy and anxious for his errands and rounds. His fixation with shaving cream is back."

Maggie was going bonkers big time!

"How's my sweet Maggie girl doing?" Charlie said, ruffling her hair playfully as her tail wagged wildly and she yelped affectionately some more.

"Something told me you were having a hard day and needed me," Charlie said.

"I'll do anything in the world for you for this," I told Charlie enthusiastically at the early arrival. "You just tell me what you need help with and I am there."

I had realistically and pessimistically thought it would be around 9:30 when Charlie would arrive and I had woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning feeling amiss.

"Everybody bowls a gutter-ball sometimes Jon-Tom," Charlie told me of my mental illness revelation as he gave me a big bear hug.

Charlie closes on his new house at 4:00 pm tomorrow and he is so excited.

It it Almost Charlie Time...

I imagine Charlie is heading home from Dadeville about right now. It is a 44-mile drive home Charlie told me last night. That's one hell of a commute in my book. Charlie will drive a car into the ground.

Horsefly has to go bowling again tonight so I am pretty sure Charlie will stop by with medications around 9 pm while Horsefly is bowling. It always makes me cringe when Charlie leaves Horsefly alone like that.

I would love to be surprised by an early visit this afternoon, though. It would thrill me to death, but I am a realist and sometimes a pessimist as well about such matters.

Computer Warp Factor Nine...

I am scheming and putting together a new list of computer parts I need to get my computers up to speed. I started making this list on July 24 and it keeps evolving and changing. I want to get a loan out of my mother's money and pay my father back.

"What are you going to pay me back with?" my father is going to ask.

Well, according to my calculations, my father spends about $900 a year on sodas for me. I would pay him back by only drinking sodas bought with my money at Kroger which means I won't be drinking much soda for the foreseeable future. It is something I can do without, though. I will just drink tea like I am this week.

Monday, August 21, 2017

I Think We Broke the Bank...

Charlie followed me throughout my shopping journey tonight. He was a terrible influence on me with regards to being a thrifty shopper.

"This looks very tasty," Charlie would say and put it in my cart.

I smiled a good-natured but very exasperated smile.

I was also very pleased to get lots of sweet treats. Charlie has a terrible and insatiable sweet tooth as well and helped me in this endeavor. From apple pies to molten chocolate lava cakes, we ran the gamut of sweet things. Charlie even got me two boxes of Hostess chocolate cupcakes which I have a certain weakness for.

I was also thrilled to be able to make spaghetti twice this week and got extra ground chuck to make it extra meaty. I can't believe I was so reckless as to spend $30 on ground chuck, though. Meat is astronomically priced at Kroger.

Check out time?

"Your daddy told me to remind you to get your journal writing sodas or whatever that means," Charlie told me and I pointed to them in my cart with an appreciative grin. There were four Fanta strawberry sodas. It is so wonderful to enjoy my cold sodas as they accompany the authorship of a blog post. It is just a ritual of mine.

The total came to $134 dollars. I gasped, feeling as if I broke one of the ten shopping commandments. It is shopper's purgatory for me I fear.

Charlie followed me home and helped me unload all my groceries which was awesome and it helped me keep Maggie from escaping through the front door. We had a little relay action going on.


One of these days, I am going to get ravishingly hungry like I am right now. This will spur into action a trip and a drive to the local grocery store unattended. I shall shop without oversight and then pay cash for my groceries without admonishment over the amount. One of these days...

Eclipse or Bust...

Well, the eclipse was a bust. It was cloudy and has rained here for most of the afternoon. I set my alarm clock to wake me up almost before totality and was greeted by foul weather and a man across the street digging a hole in my neighbor's front yard oblivious to the event (for sale sign). Maggie and I went back to bed with me being terribly disappointed feeling I had missed out on the event of the century.

My great-grandfather used to tell stories of the eclipse of the early 1900's and said the chickens went to roost it got so dark and all the colored folk went crazy thinking it was the end of the world. Dad loves to tell that story. It did get very dark here looking like it was late dusk or early dawn.

Grocery Shopping with the Charles Meister...

The overseers of the universe are laughing at my photo...

"Now you are not talking me out of buying groceries tonight," Charlie told me a moment ago as I traditionally have done with him.

I get these malaise's where I will call Charlie and put it off for a night thinking I will never be able to buy groceries in my mental state. I can get away with it with Charlie. My father would never take no for an answer. He would drag me to Kroger in the deepest throes of mental illness and has done so before.

"You will be glad to have it done," he will say to me.

"We are going to take your medications and head to Kroger around nine." Charlie added.

Charlie will encourage me to buy lots of food which will be nice. I am going to get the fixings to cook my spaghetti and meat sauce two nights this week. That will be a real treat.

Traditionally, I have always gotten four gallons of milk per week. I think I am going to break from tradition and get four gallons of Milo's sweet tea and forego frosted flakes cereal this week. I have been eating frosted flakes every week for years now.

Sizzling Like An Isotope...

I started to title this post "As the Pendulum Swings". I think we've come full circle as far as my mental illness cycling goes. Now, we will start a swing back to a more normal and diurnal existence.

It is a little after 4 am and I have yet to go to bed -- quite wide awake I might add. Maggie's got the right idea, though. My dear little duchess. Princess of Mauritania and Maratouse. I've got it cold in here which is uncharacteristic of me and she is wrapped up in the covers on the computer room bed --  the computer room twin sized bed being both of our main sleeping choices these days. Can you imagine Maggie and I pilled up in that little twin bed? Maggie has to get at my feet most nights.

One thing I want to say before I try and get some sleep is that I appreciate all the advice many of you have given to me this past week and beyond. True friendship shines through the darkness and reveals the impostors. I appreciate you all big and small, and for you who of you that were mixed up in this mess for my best interests. This blog is a journal of my life and unfortunately, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. I realize now I was very schizophrenic in my nature jumping from here to there. I do think the very definition of schizophrenia is "of two minds" (not to be confused with multiple personality disorder).

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Charlie's Parlay...

"I close on my new house Wednesday," Charlie told me very excitably tonight as he filled Maggie's water bowl over the kitchen sink. "Now, I've got to get rid of some of my other property to afford it."

I chuckled. Charlie lives for this kind of stuff. He's like real estate like I am to computers and computer parts. Enough is never enough. He will own three houses and an apartment complex Wednesday.

On tonight's menu were three chicken strips, one large mashed potatoes with gravy, one large chocolate chip cookie, and a large Pepsi. Maggie gets one of the strips every week and she just adores it and gets to be quite an excitable little dog about it. She knows Charlie visiting means a full belly. She was just as excited this morning when Charlie brought us breakfast biscuits.

Charlie put four packets of McDonald's strawberry preserves in my goodie bag this morning.

"What are these for?" I asked Charlie inquisitively.

"You eat it with your sausage biscuit," Charlie replied. "Its got a kind of a sweet, salty, and savory thing going for it."

Well, I ate my sausage patty separately and then put the preserves on the biscuits and ate them. Maybe I will be more food adventuresome next week.

Comment Replies...

Blogger glittermom said...
Was Charlie referring to your new friends? The ones your ignoring at the moment?

Andrew Replies...
Yes, Glittermom. He was referring to my new friends saying I had picked wisely to let them go.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Laissez-faire is my new attitude about what's going on. I am just going to be an innocent and unwitting bystander amidst the maelstrom around me.  Come what may as some people say. Right now the phone is unhooked and I am sequestered safely in my house.

It is quite amazing that I even attempted to make friends given my social phobias. I tipped my toe in the water and the water is still quite cold.

The Chuck Wagon Arrives...

Charlie arrived earlier and it was a whirlwind of a visit. It still didn't stop him from taking out my trash again, though. He brought me a big bag of Arby's roast beef sandwiches -- my favorite fast food.

"I've got to get Horsefly to the movies pronto or he will pitch another conniption fit," Charlie told me as he was running late.

Charlie gave me some sage advice while we were in the laundry room performing Maggie's ritual.

"You know?" Charlie said. "You get to pick and choose the people you want in your life and you have picked wisely to let them go. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

At an Impasse of Gargantuan Proportions...

I am at a certain impasse as to what to do about Rich and Tuleana. I have decided to just not answer the phone for a few weeks and lay low. Unfortunately, they know where I live, but I don't have to answer the door nor can they drive here.

"Just lay low," my father said echoing my thoughts this morning absolutely thrilled with my new decision. "I will let the phone ring twice and then you can call me back. Or I can call your cell phone if you will just turn it on. Your good heart always gets you in trouble in these kinds of situations."

"I simply just wanted some friends to hang out with," I told Papa innocently.

"I know the lady you are speaking of," dad then said when I revealed her maiden name. "Not too many people are called Tuleana. She used to come in the pharmacy all the time and she is terribly bad news."

"What are you going to do?" dad then asked me to reassure himself and to reassure me as well.

"I am going to lay low and sever ties with them," I replied to my father.

"That's what I wanted to hear," my father said. "Trust me. You are doing the right thing and don't worry about hurting their feelings. They had no qualms about trampling all over yours."

Friday, August 18, 2017

And the Sun of my World Rose Over the Horizon...

"Get your ass out here and help me carry this stuff inside," Charlie said loudly while laughing and sitting in his car.

I got off my butt and hurried out the front door as Maggie barked wildly and jubilantly behind the screen.

"I am so sorry I am so late," Charlie said to me with a very pained and worried voice. "Horsefly had a conniption fit when he started bowling gutter balls at the bowling alley. He was stompin' his feet and crying."

Everybody bowls a gutter ball sometimes...

Charlie handed me a Zaxby's bag and a sack with three "leaded" Coca-Colas which just thrilled me to death.

"What did you get me at Zaxby's?" I asked Charlie excitedly.

"I got you a wings and fingers sampler plate," he replied. "But it is probably cold now."

I headed for the front door with Charlie hot on my heels carrying my daily six diet Cokes, my Swisher Sweets cigars, and my medications. We took my medications and Charlie took it upon himself to carry out all my trash for which I rolled my eyes exasperatedly.

"Now, you call me if you need me," Charlie told me. "Don't hesitate to call for any reason."

Charlie then stopped before he left and asked me if I wanted tomorrow's meds before he took Horsefly to his matinee or afterward.

"Bring them before if you don't mind," I told him.

Charlie and I exchanged "love yous" as he headed out the door to home.

Guess Who is the Arbiter of Medications Tonight?


I just walked by the den and Maggie was on the couch sleeping.

"Charlie's coming tonight," I told her as I went for another glass of milk.

Maggie immediately jumped to attention and looked out the window for Charlie's car. It is more special for her than it is for me.

I expect Charlie will be around here about 9 PM after he takes Horsefly bowling and to KFC. He will be the salve for these sore eyes.

The Plot Thickens...

Well, my seemingly lost and former friends called me this afternoon and explained everything to me once I shared my grievances.

"You are the only friend Rich and I have," Tuleana told me while she sniffled and we talked on the phone.

"Don't cry," I said totally heartbroken. "We'll go do something tomorrow. I promise."

Old softie decided to give them one more chance. I know I am wishy-washy. It should be my namesake.

The Ties that Bind Are Broken...

I am not a very bright man at times. I can make a lot of mistakes, but I usually learn from them. I am also too trusting and I get very lonely with just Maggie and me in this here old house. My quest was only to find some good friends. I do think I am intelligent enough to realize when something is not right and terribly amiss, though.

I had to cut-off ties with my County Road 388 camper crew. Some things were just not adding up leaving me perplexed and I was getting dragged down with that sinking ship.

Tuleana called me this morning asking for food "I sure wish I had something to eat" and I told her I would bring her some turkey pot pies at two.  All the while, they were installing cable and the internet at their house while we were talking.

They were also wanting me to take them to Walmart at 2 PM so Richard could buy something from electronics. I said goodbye in my mind at that point. I felt like a used tissue full of green, gooey snot. I am just going to lay low for a week or two and let this storm roll over with me hopefully unscathed. They are just crazy unmedicated white trash and I know crazy well.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

My Fickle Brain is the Driver -- I am Just the Passenger...

It's funny how my brain works. I haven't been hungry all day disdaining any food. Suddenly something clicked in my brain and I am extra ravishingly hungry. I still have some time to wait until I can eat as my meds are soaking in. There is a big lasagna in the microwave getting hot and the cheese melted, though. Dinner will be served extra late at 11:30 PM I fear. Papa was super late with the medications tonight -- not arriving till after 10 PM. I took my medications at 10:30 PM.

"You must be beside yourself," my father said profusely apologizing.

He had got caught on the phone with one of the cousins he is going to Florida with in the morning. I am used to playing second fiddle around here. It is now time for the gravy train to roll through town otherwise known as Charlie. Charlie will be the boss dog around here for a week. Maggie and I both will be elated.

Cut Off At the Pass By this Horrendous Heat...

I tried to do a little indulgent train watching this afternoon, but it was just too stifling hot. The tracks and ballast were shimmering like a mirage in the heat as I looked down the tracks for a train. I got back in my car with the air conditioner on full blast, tucked my tail between my legs, and headed home. I didn't see one train.

When I got home, I pulled up the National Weather Service web page and they said the temperature was 94° degrees. No wonder I was so miserable in that concrete jungle that surrounded me.

I don't have much to say today, but I will tell you an interesting story of the time I worked at Circle K just down the road.

I kept having this black dude come in every night wanting to use the bathroom. I would give him the key until I wizened up on his ways. He was grabbing a six pack of ice beer and guzzling/drinking it in the bathroom and here I thought he was just chronically constipated. You can get quite tipsy and drunk off a six pack of Natural Ice -- the alcohol being concentrated by the ice brewing process.

The next night he asked for the key and I immediately turned around and called the police as soon as the bathroom door shut. It turns out he was drinking the beer and throwing the empty cans up into the tiled ceiling with us none the wiser. The cops moved a ceiling tile and empty beer cans came pouring out onto the floor and into the toilet.

Comment Replies...

glittermom said...

Couldn't you put the meds aside and wait at least a few more hours. Now if you have to wait till night time the next day you'll feel worse.

Andrew Replies...

Glittermom? Thank you for caring. Yes, I am already itching for my medications for the day. My father still doesn't trust me after all these years. He has to see me take them and will wait awhile to make sure they are down good. He is afraid I won't take the medications or will save them up.

Errands of Mighty Mercy...

"I am at the car-wash in Valley," my father told me yesterday waking me up from a very deep slumber. "I am going to swing by your house and give you your medications on my way home."

I looked at the clock and it read 5 O'Clock. It was a little early for medications, but I felt I needed them none-the-less.

"I'll see you in a few minutes," my father said and we got off the phone abruptly.

"What are you doing sleeping in the day?" my father worriedly asked as we sat on my couch after he had arrived at my house.

The X5 was all bright and shiny for a trip I would soon learn.

I was still in my pajamas and all-the-while Maggie was ardently vying for my father's attention.

"I've already told you that I am cycling mentally and I get my days and nights mixed up," I replied exasperated for the umpteenth millionth time.

"Well, I just worry about you," my father told me.

I don't know what's going on chemically or neuron wise in my brain, but I got an extra helluva kick in the deriere from my medications yesterday. It was quite a very pleasant and intoxicating feeling -- my head all giddy with glee.

Dad also told me he is leaving Friday to spend a week at the beach with his cousins.

"Your uncle Charlie will take good care of you while I am gone," he told me. "I am giving him a hundred dollars and he will bring you a fast food meal and a drink every night."

Rich and Tuleana...

Probably True According to All the Disgruntled Readers I've Had Over the Years...

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Johnny Otis Turns 71 Today...

Old Fuss and Feathers is Still Going Strong!

Quiet, Peace, Solitude...

Like most introverts in this busy and noisy world, I have to recharge from time to time. I've spent a peaceful and quiet day cooking foods I love and curled up in my Laz-E-Boy with my laptop and a book or two. I am trying to read the sequel to Gone with the Wind when my concentration levels allow. The book was simply called Scarlett.

I also have felt a strong disdain for the phone today and haven't answered it since my last rendezvous with Tuleana. It got unplugged from the wall and my iPhone is turned off as well.

"Why aren't you answering your phones?" my father will say when he walks through my front door for the medication ritual tonight.

Welcome to the Internet...

Tuleana called me all excited this afternoon when her mother agreed to help them get hooked up with cable TV and the internet. I got very excited as well. They don't have a computer, but I have an older laptop that will allow them to surf the web and get on FaceBook. They have traditionally used their smart phones to get on FaceBook.

"The battery is shot on it, but it works fine if you plug it in," I told Tuleana."You can order cheap new batteries for it on the internet."

I am also donating an older Linksys wireless internet router so Richard can get online wirelessly with his PlayStation 3 and with the laptop as well.

Comment Replies...

Blogger Summer said...
Did your friends ever have a car? I can't remember what you said about them.

Andrew Replies...

Not in recent history. Richard used to work at Goodwill and walked 4 miles to work and 4 miles home every day. I do know he has a valid driver's license and Tuleana does as well.

Blogger glittermom said...
I'd love to see a picture of the river house....

Andrew Replies...

Gittermom, that can be arranged. I will try to get a photo up in the next few days. I will make a special trip down to the river just for you.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Double Dog Down...

Glittermom, the post you thought was one of my "stories" was perfectly real. I swear by it. It was just sloppily and poorly written on my part which gave it an amateur feel and erratic composure. 

My sweet Maggie was at the door to greet me when I returned home from grocery shopping. She was vigorously wagging her tail as I brought in gallon after gallon of milk. She knows we are now in the land of milk and honey for yet another week. At least, for a few days.

I got over $30 dollars in Marie Callender's meals and a Marie's lemon meringue pie (I call out to the Ethos that this tastes good). This made my father more at ease about my grocery shopping for this week. The total came to $84, but Papa didn't flinch. I also got the fixings for spaghetti and meat sauce for yet one more week.

"Are you okay?" my father asked me worriedly as he helped me load up my groceries into my car at Kroger. "You haven't said a word this whole trip."

I seemed downtrodden and morose is what he told me.

"I'm cycling mentally and fretting," I told him. "I stayed up all night and slept all afternoon. I always feel tired when I do that. I'm afraid I won't sleep tonight."

Earlier in the day, I took Richard and Tuleana out to the park by West Point Dam and the Chattahoochee river. We fed the ducks and geese -- bringing along some stale saltine crackers Tuleana had. They just get bored and want to get out of the house. Tuleana called me early this morning making sure I was up and going. We stopped by and I showed them the river house which is coming leaps and bounds in its remodeling.

Interestingly, Tuleana gave me lots of food today like instant mashed potatoes, frozen ground beef, canned peaches, beef stew and the likes. I told her I very much appreciated that.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Kentucky Fried Charlie...

"Dammit! I am not mad at you. I am just tired from working in the yard all day," Charlie told me in a gruff manner.

I had posed that question because Charlie was surly and abrupt tonight. I tend to internalize other peoples moods and emotions. That sounds so selfish doesn't it?

I really cleaned my house tonight so Charlie wouldn't feel compelled to do so as well. He still found things to do anyway. He began sweeping my floors making big dust bunnies of dog hair that I didn't know were there. He also threw out my collection of empty milk jugs that had accumulated on top of the fridge.

"What's for supper tonight?" I then asked Charlie hungrily.

"I got you the chicken strips $5 dollar fill-up," Charlie replied.

Charlie and I then commenced with the coveted medications ritual followed by Maggie's ritual. I was very glad to get my medications and settle down for the day.

"Where in the hell is Papa?" I finally asked Charlie before he left.

"He is at your nephew's birthday party," Charlie replied very hesitantly.

I guess I wasn't supposed to ask that question it seems.

It's Like Little Cowboys and Rambunctious Indians...

So, I drive down to Rich and Tuleana's last night. They were so glad to get some company having cabin fever.

"I was just mindbogglingly bored," Tuleana told me.

I brought along some extra steaks for them to eat as well. Tuleana said she was having one of her classic migraines and couldn't stand bright lights and a lot of noise.

"Jon Jon? Will you please, please take me to Walmart to get some Excedrin?" she pleaded with me in wanton anguish.

"Come on folks. Let's head to Walmart," I told my gregarious, and adventurous gang.

I stopped for a second at the truck stop on the interstate to get us all cold drinks which Richard and I both relished. He got a plain Jane Pepsi. I was the more adventurous one. I got a crisp apple cider flavored soda and it was delicious.

Richard was also itching to get a new controller for his PlayStation 3 as well as his old one was faltering. I sat in the car while they shopped preferring not to deal with the rigmarole that is Walmart.

On the drive home, I got caught in a DUI checkpoint just off the interstate. Gladly, I handed the Sheriff's deputy my current insurance card and my license with confidence (thank Papa for that). Within seconds they were waving us through the checkpoint and on our way.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Stiff Upper Lip As the Brits Say...

One problem after another has been the name of the game that is my life these days. I have been beseeched with bad luck is seems. This morning I walked out and my car wouldn't crank. The battery was dead due to the brake lights being stuck on. I called Papa and he drove over here within the hour and got me back on the road. I carefully checked to make sure my brake lights were off before walking inside. I did take a nice long and leisurely country road excursion out Spring road to make sure the battery charged back up.

"You've basically got the shit knocked out of you this weekend, son," my father told me as we stood out in this Southern heat trying to get my car to crank.

Troublesome Neurons...

I hate to complain as it does no good, but I have had a terrible time with my mental illness the past few days. I felt as if I were about to jump out of my skin yesterday and today which makes sleep troublesome and it compounds the problem.

"I've got your medications if you want to take them," my father said earlier before leaving.

"Let's get back to our usual schedule of taking them at night," I told my father and he agreed.

"You've got a good head on your shoulders today," he said showering me with praise.

There has to be a certain simple order to my life or my life seemingly spirals out of control as it has the past few days.

My Crew is Ready to Roll...

"Hey Jon, Jon," Tuleana said upon my answering the phone this morning. "What time are we going tomorrow?"

"I'll be by with breakfast between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM," I told her. "Then we will head to Wal-Mart after y'all eat."

Thursday, August 10, 2017

5 O'Clock Happy Hour...

When I got home from my injection this morning (which went routinely), I was feeling very drowsy even though I slept well all night. I undressed down to my skivvies, got in the bed, and miraculously woke up many, many hours later. I looked at my bedside alarm clock and it was 5 PM. Thank you, Jeebus, as I needed that sleep. I hope I don't jinx myself by saying this, but I feel much, much better today.

I felt so bad last night that I drove to my father's house around 9 PM and stayed for about an hour or so. I was scared. I didn't want to have one of my terrible anxiety attacks that incapacitate me for hours. I also wanted to ask my father what did he do before cell phones as he talked on the telephone for most of the time I was there. He got to yawning, quit answering his phone, and I took it as my time to leave as well. Not without getting an ice cold diet Coke out of his refrigerator for the road.

"I'm glad you came over," my father told me as I was leaving which made me feel better. "I love you, son! I hate you're feeling ill."

The kindness I was looking for earlier finally had bubbled to the top and came out which I appreciated.

What is weird is that my crew out in the boonies has not called once today. Where are they? Richard's wife always calls me in the mornings before noon just to see what I am doing.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

The Pre-injection Blues...

lots of crazy meds
I had called my father earlier telling him about my old high school English teacher praising my writing abilities on Facebook. He is a stern man of few words and It thrilled me to death. Things were fine until my mental illness hit me like a ton of bricks a few hours after we talked on the phone. I then called my father back complaining about feeling weird and looking and feeling disheveled.

"It is because your injection is tomorrow," he told me blithely and matter-of-factly. "Your medication is running out."

Show some kindness Papa...

You could tell very well that my father didn't want to fool with me at all this afternoon and he very abruptly got off the phone.

"I'll be over in ten minutes to give you your medications," he told me abruptly and gruffly. "I've got lots of errands to run this afternoon."

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Where Art Thou Papa?

It's a very good feeling when you're needing your crazy meds and the crazy med carrier turns onto your street down by the curb. Dad's car is unmistakable. Maggie was looking out the window as well. We were both holding a vigil.

Yes, Papa has arrived, administered medications, and left. I can really tell it is injection time today. Luckily, I had no pressing responsibilities on this Tuesday. I stayed home, cooked a lot of comfort foods, and rested.

"It is fixing to start pouring down rain," I told my father urgently as I thanked him for being early.

We hurriedly took my meds and then came Maggie's ritual. She gets fresh food and water every night. The food she doesn't eat from the previous night gets thrown out every evening.

"The wackos were out in force today at the pharmacy," my father said chuckling as he headed out my door. "We had lots of pill counters who said they were shorted a pill or two."

"Full moon," I replied and we both got a hearty laugh out of that.

"You're exactly right," dad said as he ran to his car.

It was starting to rain in earnest.

Dad also said my house smelled wonderful with my spaghetti sauce bubbling away on the stove. I was grinning and glad he noticed that.

Should I Plug in the Phone?

Yes, that is the question. It is raining pretty heavily here today and looks like it may just rain overnight as well. I just plugged in the phone after sleeping until noon which negates any of the silence I am enjoying at the moment. I bet I get a call from Tuleana within the hour wanting to go do something. I will politely decline as I don't want to drive in a steady rain today. She will also ask me if I managed to get a full tank of gas. I hope her and Richard are not too terribly disappointed.

I hope to take them to lunch tomorrow down at the Western Sizzlin as a surprise. I've just got to get $40 out of old fuss and feathers. They have a great food bar and the steaks are just scrumptious.

(Like clockwork she just called me within moments of plugging in my phone)

"What are you up to?" Tuleana asked me very inquisitively. "Richard is playing video games on his PlayStation."

"I am writing in my journal," I replied matter-of-factly. "I would take y'all to go do something, but I don't want to get out in the rain."

"I know how you feel. Hopefully, we will see you tomorrow," Tuleana said and we got off the phone.

That was short and sweet with little imposition.

I then called my father to get my injection ready for Thursday.

"You're doing better than I am, Chuck," dad told me. "I had completely forgotten about it again."

I went ahead and warned Tuleana earlier that I would sleep all day come Thursday.

Comment Replies...

Blogger glittermom said...
Don't forget Thursday!

Andrew Replied...
Bless you, sweetheart. I just called my father for him to have my injection filled and ready for Thursday. Yes, it is almost time for my injection. I can feel it in my bones and especially in my head.

Monday, August 07, 2017

Mister Big Spender...

I outdid myself tonight. I managed to spend $120 simoleans on groceries. Dad looked at my cart and sent me back shopping when he realized I didn't have enough to eat. He was very kind tonight.

I sent my father on a scavenger hunt as soon as I walked into Kroger. I needed paper bowls, large plastic cups, Parmesan cheese, and AAA batteries.

"You only spent $54 dollars last week so you use that money you didn't spend," dad told me. "Go back and get you plenty of those Marie Callendar's meals."

Sometimes my father can surprise me like tonight. He was more interested in me having enough to eat and not so much about how much it cost.

 And that is just what I did. I leaned heavily on the turkey pot pies tonight. That's one thing that Marie does right. I also immensely enjoy the turkey and stuffing meal. I got four of those. I couldn't leave without getting two large Marie's 3 meat and 4 cheese lasagnas. The pie du jour was Edwards Hershey's chocolate creme pie. I will let that defrost overnight on the kitchen counter. My biggest expense was the two packs of $8.99 ground chuck for my spaghetti meat sauce.

I then told my father I was going to fill up my car with gas.

"I'm headed home, Chuck," my father tiredly told me with a hug -- handing over the reigns. "Be sure to bring me the receipt tomorrow."

It Seems Warmed Over. This Day That Is...

I am waiting for my father to call me and tell me supper is ready. He said he was going to cook beef stroganoff. That sounds so delicious. Charlie's wife taught him how to make it. Dad could make a dish rag taste good just like his mother. I told him earlier that I want him to cook his mother's creamed tuna on toast -- a dish his mother would often cook for her grand-kids and we loved it.

Tuleana called me earlier. It's gotta suck to be without a car --especially stuck without a car and you live in the boonies. It is miles to the nearest store.

"I am bored to tears," she told me painfully and pitifully. "I wish you would come get us and let's go do something."

I replied that Mondays are not a good day to come as I buy my groceries then. It also hurt her cause in that I stayed up all night as I couldn't sleep. I didn't wake up until almost 2 PM this afternoon. Yes, I am cycling again and I also noticed I am smoking twice the cigarillos in a day than I normally do. That a sign that the addictive side of my brain is extraordinarily active.

I am seriously debating at the moment if I should fix two extra plates of food and carry them to Rich and Tuleana. It would break up the monotony of their day.

Sunday, August 06, 2017

It is a Fine Day for a Thundershower...

The skies are looking ominously dark. Shall it rain? Shall it storm? As the sun gets higher overhead and heats the air above the ground, the warm air will bubble up into the cooler atmosphere and cause clouds to build that eventually create storms.

Weather 101...

My Crew Was Going Strong Today...

I just arrived home from taking Rich and Tuleana some breakfast biscuits. We had a few errands to run as well, but I am perfectly ensconced in Andrew's Casa now. It is quiet time. I turned my phone off and I guarantee you Charlie or my father will be over here in a few hours worried because I am not answering my phone.

"What are you fixing to do now?" Rich asked me as I stood at the threshold of their camper.

"I am going home to take a nice long nap," I replied. "Maggie will be overjoyed as well I might add."

Tuleana bought us all a box of doughnuts at Dunkin Doughnuts. Just what I needed calorie wise -- sugar powdered doughnuts. They are delicious and a guilty pleasure, though. Dunkin still can't beat Krispy Kreme's doughnuts I might astutely attest to.

"Won't these doughnuts complicate your diabetes?" I asked Tuleana.

"It will make my blood glucose run high," She replied as if were just a walk on the beach.

Saturday, August 05, 2017

It's All In Stereo Now...

My cleaning and organizing binge continues. Tonight, I got my home theater set up (which was a bugger). I had wires running everywhere. It is a shame I don't use it, but it is working fine tonight. I was listening to a little Steely Dan a moment ago and that bolstered my spirits somewhat as I sang along with Donald Fagen.

"Back Jack, do it again. Wheels turning round and round."

I about panicked when my Blu-Ray player wouldn't turn on after all that work. Always check the simplest things first when it comes to computers and electronics. It was not plugged securely into the surge protector.

Vittles Have Arrived...

Papa has been by with supper and medications. He cooked yellow summer squash with Vidalia onions, his special green beans, cornbread, and cube steak and gravy. As soon as my medications soak in, then I am chomping down on some delicious soul food.

"The steak got especially tender tonight," my father told me. "You can eat it with a fork. I hope you enjoy it!"

I thanked my father profusely. Dad likes to get a little praise lavished upon him when he cooks as he did tonight. His efforts are always delicious.

Friday, August 04, 2017

Here's a Cluck, There's a Cluck, Everywhere's a Cluck Cluck...

Oh, My Gawd! I was so stomach grumbling hungry today. I was ravished. I could really empathize with all the starving children in Africa. The fried chicken in the deli at Wal-Mart smelled so delicious it was almost painful and tortuous.

I walked back out to the car to smoke until Tuleana and Rich could finish their shopping.

"We are about finished," Tuleana reassured me.

She was loading their cart with Walmart brand spaghetti rings and meatballs.

"She'll eat it straight out of the can," Rich told me as if some taboo had been evoked.

They got a shitload of groceries with their food-stamps and encouraged me to sign up as well. I don't think I am eligible, though. I don't want to be sucking off any more government teats than I already am.

"Who's up for lunch?" I asked them after we settled back into my car and I turned the key.

My Honda started to purr like the kitten she is.

"My favorite thing is the mashed potatoes and gravy at Kentucky Fried Chicken," Richard said sounding anxious and hopeful.

"I will eat anything," Tuleana said plainly from the backseat.

"Then KFC it is," I told my new found friends.

"Rich, get one of the $5 dollar fill-ups as they have double the usual amount of mashed potatoes and gravy," I told him. "And you also get a delicious chocolate chip cookie for a dessert."