Monday, August 21, 2017

Sizzling Like An Isotope...

I started to title this post "As the Pendulum Swings". I think we've come full circle as far as my mental illness cycling goes. Now, we will start a swing back to a more normal and diurnal existence.

It is a little after 4 am and I have yet to go to bed -- quite wide awake I might add. Maggie's got the right idea, though. My dear little duchess. Princess of Mauritania and Maratouse. I've got it cold in here which is uncharacteristic of me and she is wrapped up in the covers on the computer room bed --  the computer room twin sized bed being both of our main sleeping choices these days. Can you imagine Maggie and I pilled up in that little twin bed? Maggie has to get at my feet most nights.

One thing I want to say before I try and get some sleep is that I appreciate all the advice many of you have given to me this past week and beyond. True friendship shines through the darkness and reveals the impostors. I appreciate you all big and small, and for you who of you that were mixed up in this mess for my best interests. This blog is a journal of my life and unfortunately, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. I realize now I was very schizophrenic in my nature jumping from here to there. I do think the very definition of schizophrenia is "of two minds" (not to be confused with multiple personality disorder).

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