Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Cold of Another Kind...

It is extremely unlike Charlie to come so late. I hesitated to call as he is like my father about such matters. They both hate being rushed or feeling pressured.

He showed up at 10:00 pm tonight. I was about beside myself with worry and needing my medications as my injection was certainly waning or has been metabolized out of my buttock muscle. I thought maybe Horsefly had pitched one of his epic hissy-fits down at the bowling alley.

"I am very sick," Charlie said walking across my yard sniffling over Maggie's enthusiastic barking. "I've got a cold and don't you dare catch it!"

"I get sick mentally, but not physically per se," I reparteed back without much consolation.

I cringed about catching a cold as Charlie emptied the meds into the palm of his hand to give them to me. I then greedily took my medications in one gulp after Charlie cracked open a "leaded" Coca-Cola for me.

"I am going to call you to make sure you're up in the morning," Charlie told me regarding my injection as we walked across my lawn to his car. "And I will see you at Kamath Medical at 9 am."

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