Friday, May 15, 2009

A Thief in the Night...

"I believe Helen is stealing from my purse," mom told me.  "I've had ones and fives come up missing."

[insert various other paranoid schizophrenic ramblings]

"Helen wouldn't steal from you, mom," I said steadfastly. 

"How much money was it?" I asked.

"$25 dollars," she replied.  "I'm hiding my purse from now on."

I thought long and hard on the drive back to my house.  In the not too distant past, I would have been the one blamed for this transgression.  Mom is notoriously sloppy with the way she handles money and probably just forgot where she put it.  


becomingkate said...

It would probably help to have a camera in her house. Another blogger has one because he rents rooms out, but he has used the footage to protect people against accusations, and to help prove he was right when he had bad tenants.
Sorry to hear about the money...and poor Helen, who seems like a very nice woman. I hope your parents don't accuse her.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Don't you wish you were psychic and could solve these questions in the blink of an eye? If you should develop such talent, please forward the winning lotto numbers and I will gladly share any winnings!


Seth Martin Ward said...

Hey Drew. Hope life is treating you well. Sorry I haven't been around to read your blog or comment the past week or so. Lost my job a week ago Thursday, so just trying to deal with that and all. Hope you are well. ttyl

Kathy said...

Do you think it would help to talk to your father about this?

Irishcoda said...

I'm sorry your mom is distressed about the money and even sorrier she thinks Helen did it. Poor Helen, hopefully nothing comes of it. :P

My MIL thinks that her neighbors break into her house, try on her clothes and rip the seams, then put the clothes back. She also thinks these same neighbors move her spices around and take little odds and ends. It's very frustrating. :P

Leann said...

Hi Andrew,

I hope you've been well and are enjoying life. I truly enjoy hearing what's going on in your world and how your beloved Maggie is doing.

Take care.

(M)ary said...

i am sloppy with my money too but then i always forget about it. so i find $5's and $1's occasionally in pants pockets (or nickels and dimes, whatever.) if i mislay a $20 then find it, i feel like i have won the lottery for the day and go buy myself lunch.

Cheryl said...

I hope it's just your mom mismanaging her money. I hope Helen never gets wind of her suspicions. That would really hurt her feelings.

Tee said...

Poor Helen. She has been a faithful employee of your family for all these many years. I hope she doesn't find out your Mom suspects she is taking money from her, I know that would hurt her so much. Suggest to you Mom Helen has never taken anything in the past, why would she start now? :-)


the good news is that your mom has a history of being forgettful with her money so that's good. I hope it turns up..UGH, Money is truly the root of all drama, evil and all things sad.

Hope you're having a good weekend Andrew!! :)


The Middle Aged Woman said...

Are you ok?


This IS The Fun Part! said...

Thinking of you and missing your muses!!


Berryvox said...

Hope you're okay and just not in the mood to blog. :)

Lizzy said...

Miss your posts, Andrew. I hope all is well with you and your family.

PipeTobacco said...


You have been away a long time. I hope this means you are having a fun, enjoyable, and adventuresome time somewhere and are playing in life and experiencing all the joys and excitement of such an experience. You deserve a bit of freedom.


Lena said...

Just checking in and saying hello... and I hope that all is well, like all your other blogger friends.

Dear Liza said...

Andrew ---

Where are you? Check in, okay?

Hope you're having a great holiday weekend. :)

Sherry said...

I miss your daily posts, but just hope you and your family are okay.


your chicago sister is hoping you're okay...are you alright? you are in my prayers...say hi to maggie for us!

EE said...

Miss your posts. Hope you are ok.

Leann said...

Miss you Andrew. Come back soon.