Sunday, May 03, 2009


I asked dad this morning what my disability check is every month.  I had no idea.  Actually, I have no idea about any of my finances.  They are just paid for me. 

"Your check is $937 dollars a month," dad told me. "It helps you don't have rent to pay or a car payment."

"Are my utilities reasonable?" I asked.

"Very," dad said. "I sometimes worry you aren't using your heating or air enough to save money.  I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

My thermostat is set on a constant 82 degrees summer and winter.  I can't stand to be cold.

I do know my groceries are $60 dollars a week.  Mom can write checks on my checking account and has told me several times that is what she pays.

My father's business subsidizes my sodas.  Actually, mom got that going.  She goes by and has Judy order the cokes for me. 

My cigarettes are my biggest expense.  Mom insists on buying the expensive brands because she thinks the filters are better and thus the expensive cigarettes are better for my lungs.  I spend $30 a week on cigarettes.   


Jenn said...

So what happens to the rest of the money? It seems like you are not using it all every month.

Kathy said...

I hope you are able to save some money -- put it away for a rainy day.

forsythia said...

I'm sure many people have already suggested that you dould save the money you would have spent on cigarettes if you'd just stop smoking, so I won't do that. I'll just ask, "How would you like to have an additional $120 to spend each month?"

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

i used to smoke... very heavily... more than a pack a day. but i had to shop around to find my favourite brand. even though i'm canadian i loved american smokes. i used to say i wasn't addicted to cigarettes - i was addiced to CAMELS!

becomingkate said...

I have recently met some people on DI, and they really struggle. It's so nice that you have a supportive family and nice friends.

Jami said...

You sound like a very responsible person! I admire that.

justLacey said...

I wonder the same thing as Jenn. What happens to the rest of the money. I imagine your house was already paid for and you only owe taxes and insurance on it yearly. That may take up some. I hope your dad is saving it for you. Your car won't last forever and you may need another one some day. Also good that your medical expenses are covered. That helps immensely. You might want to cut down on the smoking. It ruins you.