Tuesday, May 15, 2007

De Rigueur

I was reading Cheryl's blog this morning and she was writing about worrying that she sounds like a broken record as far as her blog is concerned. I worry about the same. My days constitute of the same routine: I and Rosa going to get breakfast, lunch at Rodger's Barbeque, hanging out at the shopping center in the afternoon, my nightly AA meeting and then taking George on our nightly drunken express. I am a creature of habit and have to live this way to do well with my illness. I am thinking of only writing when something out of the ordinary happens. I realize the blog is getting boring and my writing has been milquetoast lately. I try so hard to write about the mundane in an interesting way, but I have found myself struggling with things to write about lately. I don't want the blog to become the daily conversation between Rosa, George, and I unless that is what you all want to read which I doubt. Let me know what you all would like to see on the blog. I need your input. If you get enjoyment out of the blog then I do as well.


Jay M. said...

I would say that I don't think you need to make any decisions regarding the content of your blog. You tend to have your own personal filter based on what you feel is important.

You share a few bits and pieces of your daily life. Maybe it's the walk over to the train, or something different at Rodger's or part of a conversation with one of the gang. That's why I read, anyway.

Maybe you should think of us (readers) more or less in the same way you do of Rosa or George, but obviously on a passive level. We come to hang out, see what's going on, and listen to whatever is happening that day.

Try not to think of it as guests that you're obligated to "entertain." Think of it more as some interested friends (albeit online) that like to just shoot the breeze and hear what's going on in your day.

Basically, just keep doing what you're doing!

amelia said...

I just love it the way it is, don't change a thing.

Reading your blog takes me out of my own boring life and into yours for a few minutes each day and I really enjoy it.

DLL said...

I think the charm of your blog is that readers can follow your daily life. The ups, the downs, the plateaus :) Your writing is eloquent, descriptive and provoking. As well I think one of your goals here is to develop your writing abilities so it would be a shame for you to feel an obligation to others more so than to yourself ?


Melissa said...

I love reading your wonderful blog. I can step in your shoes through your writing and out of mine for at least once during the day. I LOVE to read everything about your day, good,bad, and even the boring. Like someone said, we are your friends as well that you have just not met yet. Please continue writing just like you have been, even if it is the same thing everyday. Remenber that everyday something new does happen. The talks with Rosa or not always the same nor is the nigh driving trip with George. Contuine to the wonderful job that you do.

Melissa said...

Sorry I posted the same post twice so therefore I deleted one.

Marius Nuy said...

Andrew, give us (me) a short summary. Who are you and Rosa together now, friends, lovers? Who is George? You are not working, just living in a circle of habits? Are you lonely? Are you happy with the possibilities you have? Marius

CCC said...

I always eat my morning oatmeal with almonds while reading your blog. None of it's boring!

Annabel said...

I love your blog and whatever you write. You know this so just keep writing like you always have. There will be the same stuff from time to time, but that's o.k. I like being a part of your life in that way.

Patty said...

Please don't think your blog is boring! It's not!! I look forward to having my coffee and reading your blog each morning. Keep writing the way you have been. You have your own style and it works and it's NOT BORING! And thanks for sharing your life!

abbagirl74 said...

I agree with Annabel. I have been reading your blog for almost a year now. I would comment on your oldest posts. Remember? The blog has not changed much since then, and I am still here. There are a bunch of us still here. Keep rockin' on, dear friend.

Fairy Goth Mother said...

well, mind me, as i am new to your blog. but i kind of like the way you have built it up. this is your style, if you change the style, it won't be the same and if it is not the same, you loose blogbuddies aka readers.

zirelda said...

You do fine Andrew. I think most of us live rather mundane habitual lives. I know I do. It's sometimes difficult to take an idea and run with it. My best ideas are generally at 3 am and I'm sure as heck not getting up then if I can help it.

The best advice I ever got about writing was write what you know. You do that and you do it well.

Josie said...

I never miss a day of reading your blog Andrew! I like checking in to see how your day goes. I think many of us lead similar lives... maybe not all that exciting to others, but enough variety for us. Just keep doing it as you feel it, and don't worry about the readers...we'll keep coming, and enjoying your efforts!

EE said...

Don't you dare change a thing...your blog is definitely NOT boring!!!

barefoot303 said...

I am a new reader, thanks to my sister, I found your blog. I look forward everyday to see what has happened with you and your gang. Please don’t change a thing. I agree with the post that says you have your own filter that your experiences go though and I enjoy reading your way of thinking and dealing with life. Thanks for every day reading.. Keep it up.

Mom's Blog said...

I check your blog in the morning and at night. It is never boring. I would think your view numbers would show that you have many friends on this blog.

Townie Girl said...

I enjoy reading your blog. What you think is mundane is interesting to some of us.

Moonroot said...

I read your blog every day. The little vignettes that you share are perfect. Please don't change!

Gaviota_mx said...

When I read this post of yours this came to my mind,

"Do not assume that he who seeks to comfort you now, lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life may also have much sadness and difficulty, that remains far beyond yours. Were it otherwise, he would never have been able to find these words."

Rainer Maria Rilke

Rae said...

Andrew... I just want to echo what everyone else has said. There are a lot of blogs out there that I could read on a regular basis, but this one keeps me coming back.

Keep up the good writing ... this coming from a veteran writer and editor, not to mention a seasoned reader and writer of blogs.

Adrienne said...

Your blog should be about whatever YOU want to write about! If people don't like it, they don't have to read it. I enjoy it just the way it is.

Moonlink said...

I frequent your blog because I am interested in what you are thinking and how you express your thoughts. You may do the same thing every day, but your thoughts are never quite the same, and your conversations with others are change.

Some writers focus on plot while others focus on psychological drama. Your writing hooks the reader because of the psychological tension and honesty in your work.

Dave said...

My thought is that you keep writing about your life. Rosa, George, your Dad, Ferret and so on are in it. They are bit players that illustrate what you are thinking and feeling. You are writing about what you think and feel. When that isn't isn't interesting, I'll quit reading.

VAfriend said...

Please don't stop writing. I love the frequency and I check your blog everyday at least once and sometimes two or three times. I enjoy your little stories and while they may have the same people or the same places in them the stories ARE different and the conversations you have with your friends are enjoyable. I look forward to your blog. I would be so sad if you only wrote occasionally. Please don't stop.

austere said...

you're just fine. missed reading you.

b said...

I really like your blog the way it is and actually find it really nice to have the same cast of characters and activities. It becomes so that I feel like I'm living your life to some extent, and getting to know your friends. Of course, if you're bored with writing about it, feel free to change it up, but I for one really enjoy it. And lots of people like to watch soap operas and stuff with the same characters, day after day. I think a lot of people are like me in like familiarity. I really enjoy your blog -- keep up the good work, and good luck with everything.

C. R. Morris said...

I think you have succeeded in making the everyday very interesting. I love reading your blog and would hate for anything to change. You've sucked in a lot of people so that has to say something for the content. I absolutely love it! I enjoy reading about Rosa, George, Ferret... all of them!