Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Our Society is Mentally Ill……

I have always found something fishy about the way our society lives. I have always questioned how things are and how they should be. It would drive my father crazy when I would ask these kinds of questions and he didn’t have an answer. I finally had a breath of fresh air when I realized some things a few months ago.

For years I was miserable. I felt I didn’t fit in and had a hard time conforming. I thought there has to be a better life than the one I am living now. I hated having to work some dull, toilsome nine to five job for just peanuts. I hated having to dress or look a certain way just to conform to my peers expectations. I hated how I was taught to consume, consume, consume and for what? I just had a house full of things that made me miserable in all honesty in the end. It is a vicious cycle that once you are caught in its web it is so hard to get out of it. I finally realized that I had a choice and didn’t have to live this way any longer. It was like waking up from a bad nightmare and finally seeing the bigger picture.

When we are born, we are taught many, many things over the years as we grow up. Society is thrust upon us at an early age. We really don’t have a choice then. We are taught to toe the line and conform. Go with and follow the herd! The kind of things I was taught was that going to college was all important. Working for 40 years at 40 hours a week is the way to get the good life. Buying a large house and a car is a way to show others how successful and important you are. Bullshit! I would cry. I am important and meaningful without any of these things!

Another thing I have always loathed was how fearful everyone around me was. The media and the government promote fear to keep us in line and to make us conform. Everywhere I look, I see reactions to things out of fear. Children can no longer walk to school like I did. They must be bussed or driven. I see burglar alarm signs in most yards now as people try to barricade their homes against the outside world. I see us invading other countries and this being supported out of fear. I see reports about crime almost every time I make the mistake of looking at or reading the current news media. Folks, crime is at its lowest in years!
I have been actively seeking out people who think like me lately. I want to hear non conventional ideas and thoughts. I am tired of being alone in a sea of conformists. I have found some great websites lately that as I read I nod my head and say, “Yes! It’s about time someone talked about this!”

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