Friday, May 27, 2005

Mundane Afternoon Update

I am obsessed with the weather lately. I found a website from the National Weather Service where you can read as the state meteorologists discuss the weather. I find myself checking this link multiple times a day to read the weather updates.

Today was a gorgeous day in the upper eighties (31 degrees Celsius) with not a cloud in the sky. Tomorrow we get back into the more normal weather pattern in the south of routine afternoon popup thunderstorms. I am excited to see what tomorrow’s weather brings. I love the excitement of watching the storms bubble up in the heat of the afternoon. The only ingredient we need tomorrow is for the dew points to rise and for the humidity to increase.

This weekend Charlie’s family and my family are driving to Louisville, Kentucky for a wedding. My job is to feed Charlie’s dog and my father’s cats. They will be away until next Tuesday.

I found online that I had an expired check due to me from 2001 on the Alabama state dept. of treasury’s website. I had to jump through umpteen hundred hoops to get the required documentation to get the money owed to me. I got the documentation notarized today and it only cost me $2 dollars. By that small amount, I was surprised and relieved.

Luckily, a law passed in 1997 that made it possible for me to still get the expired check. I am assuming that it is a past income tax check that came to my ex-wife and she threw it away. All they would tell me that the amount is greater than $25 dollars. I am very excited that this may be around $100 dollars or maybe even more; only time will tell and I will find out next week. Possible purchases? First thing I am going to do is fill up my car completely and then buy a shitload of groceries to put me ahead of the game on the rest of the month’s budget. Knowing my luck, it will be a check for $25 bucks exactly. lol

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