Saturday, June 10, 2006

Entertainment Recharged

I was sitting here at the computer when I heard a sound outside. Rosie immediately began to bark up a storm and ran to the backdoor. I got up and walked over to look outside. It was Ferret recharging the DVD player on the side of my house. I walked out to talk to him.

“Hey man!” I said as I shook his hand. “I thought I had a burglar.”

“Hope you don’t mind me doing this,” He said. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No, not at all. I told you it was okay,” I replied.

“Man, I really appreciate this,” He said. “It gives me something to do when I can’t sleep. I lay in my sleeping bag with it on my chest and watch.”

“Do you need some more movies?” I asked.

“Sure,” Ferret replied.

I have a very limited DVD collection. Most of them were Christmas gifts. I walked in and got Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and Spiderman 2.

“Have you seen these?” I asked Ferret as I handed him the movies.

“Man, I have wanted to see both of those,” He said. “I am going to buy me some beers and have movie night tonight.”

“They are both great movies,” I replied.

“Thanks man. You are a good friend and a kind man,” Ferret said as he put the movies in his backpack.

“Hey, it ain’t no thang,” I said. “I would have died to have one of those DVD players when I was homeless. Those were some long, cold and boring nights in the woods. I read a lot of books by candlelight.”

I asked Ferret if he wanted something to drink and he said no. He said he was going to walk down to the shopping center and would be back for the DVD player after it had charged. I felt kind of uneasy leaving it outside like that as it is so expensive, but let those fears pass. I might be gone when Ferret came back if I had brought it inside to charge. Hell, I would never use the damn thing anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter.

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