Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Brain Chemistry Awry…

It is hard to describe my experience with schizophrenia. I am experiencing slight symptoms today. Faces seem odd and contorted causing me to miss the all important social cues. I doesn’t help that I didn’t sleep at all last night. I stayed up all night trying to read a book and smoking copious amounts of cigars as I paced the floor. I finally got in a two hour nap this morning. I usually sleep so well these days so I don’t know what is going on with all that.

Paranoia also reigns supreme during these times. I have this all encompassing feeling that something is wrong or about to happen. It can be paralyzing. I am worried my family is mad at me or out to get me and cause me strife. I also can’t drive without thinking the police are out to get me and I am being followed and watched. I know these fears are baseless. I just can’t get them out of my mind. Such is the madness imparted upon me by my screwy brain chemistry.

It also didn’t help that my good friend Charlie scolded me last night for not locking the house. He means well, but I can’t take any criticisms at all. I am so overly and so damned sensitive. I have what my father calls “the key disease” and never take my keys out of the locks or I will most absolutely lose them. I haven’t taken the key out of my car in over two years either on purpose. Living in a small town can make you gilded about crime. I live in such a quiet neighborhood.

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Anonymous said...

I can't pretend to understand schizophrenia, but I can tell you I'm exhausted today, too. It's really gray where I live, and that sure it's helping. Anyway, I hope you're back to feeling better soon.

Andrew said...

Hey Anonymous,

It is also drab, grey, and dreary here as well. The temperature is 70 degrees though so that brings some comfort to the mix.

Also, I have just had a lot going on and stress has a very negative effect upon my symptoms. I am looking for a quiet few days ahead.

I hope you get to feeling better. Take care and thanks for the comment.


greglo said...

maybe thinking about us, your readers and friends, who are unwaveringly supporting you could be of some help. We immensely appreciate you and your writing. Your experience and what you are as a human being means a lot to this blogging community who comes more than once a day to check about the blog and you. You created a true quality relationship with us and all the looks you get from us are looks of friendship, admiration, dignity and respect (just to name a few...)

Best thoughts!!!!!!


Andrew said...

Thank you Laurent. I consider you a very close and dear blogging friend. Your comments are always such an encouragement for me to continue with the blog. Take care in "frogland." :-)

PS - You shouldn't have deleted your previous comment. You were very right with what you wrote me.

Proxima said...

"Cheer up pookey bear", maybe you s candy bar or a hot cup of cocoa. :)

*virtural Hugs*


Proxima said...

maybe you ...NEED A...candy bar or hot cup of cocoa.

My internal editor must have gone to lunch.


Andrew said...


You always make me smile with your comments. Don't worry about the internal editor. Mine has been on strike for months as far as blog commenting goes! LOL


The Gorgeous Debbie said...

Hi Andrew,

"This too shall pass"..... Hard, I know, sometimes to see beyond the moment you're in. Know that there is a plethora of love and support around you willing you beyond this point.

Arohatinonui (huge love and support) xoxoxo

Amanda said...

The paranoia sucks...I have found it helps to read or watch something really funny. :) Hope things will look up soon.

Kristen said...

The day is nearly done. I hope you can get some sleep tonight. When I do not get enough sleep, my mind does weird things, too! Add that to what you are dealing with ...

Hang in there. We are all with you.

Summer said...

You poor baby. I'm sorry you're having such a rough day. We all appreciate you so much and we hang on your every word. You're the best!

austere said...

Take care, Andrew.
This will go in some time.

latibug said...

I'm sorry you are having or had a rough day....life really can stick it to you sometimes....

I know...I had bad sushi the other day..NO FUN.
