Thursday, February 22, 2007

Morning Musings…

It’s 5:00 AM on this dark morning. The sun is just waiting below the horizon and casting its first rays of the day over the Atlantic. I can imagine Europe beginning their day. Breakfast is finished. People are going about their lives and heading to work. The sun is already high on the horizon.

In Asia, the sun is setting or has set. Their days are winding down as families gather around low dinner tables to eat the last meal of the day, watch television, and then head to bed. Such goes as the world turns. Days end and other days begin. Life is a never ending circle revolving in the void of space.

The only sound in my apartment is that of my coffee percolator starting to boil and the soft hissing of my gas heater this morning. Maggie is stretched out like a lazy Cheshire cat in front of that heater enjoying its warmth as is her usual routine after a cool night.

Ah, a train just started to roar through downtown. You can first hear the far off wail of its horns way down below that old abandoned cotton mill. Within minutes, the louder wails of its horns ring out as it makes it to downtown to greet a sleepy populace. I grew up hearing these trains in this small town and the sound of those horns is as ubiquitous as the birds singing in the trees and the sound of a warm breeze on a bright spring day.

Well, enough of my morning musings. I need to start packing and get ready to head out for a little camping adventure. Many of you want pictures. I am debating on carrying my $350 dollar camera into the woods to be banged around in my backpack. You will just have to wait a few days to see if I post them and overcome my fears of damaging my beloved camera. I could never afford another. I hope you all have a great next few days and I will write again this weekend.

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3inone said...

Happy Camping!

Carrie said...

Have a great time!

Siva said...

Bumped into your blog by random search. Read some of the posts. Very nicely written. Happy camping.

Jim McKee said...

Why not get a camera case... put camera in case, put case in backpack?

Sorry if this is not an option.

Cheryl said...

I thought you were already gone. When do you leave? Pictures would be good, but you do a fine job painting pictures with your words.

austere said...

Rather philosophical this one, eh. I liked the "day ending and beginning" thought that you have there.