Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Andrew goes camping....

I have had enough. My desire to escape and live in the wild for awhile has overcome me. I have to be at Dr. Kammaths tomorrow at 9:45 AM so I will do my best to get back and get a shower to head to that appointment. I have to get my “horse” shot for my schizophrenia tomorrow morning. My bi-weekly bearing of my bum for prosperities sake will happen first thing in the morning.

I have all my stuff packed up in my kelty backpack. I also have the supplies to make some "hobos" tonight. Hobos are a ground beef patty covered with sliced onions, carrots, potatoes, and covered with ketchup and mustard. You place it all bundled in heavy duty aluminum. Wrap it up tight so the steam will stay in. It makes this wonderful oily, meaty sauce and the vegetables get soft and melt in your mouth. I look forward to supper. All those incredible tastes and smells mingling together with the essence of a hard wood fire are what I live for.

I am headed out spring road near a spring that feeds a pond and a creek. I want to go to sleep tonight to the sounds of whip-o-wills and the night time insects. I want to smell that night time forest air and those cold runs to use the bathroom only to return and wrap up in my warm sleeping bag.

Also, there is nothing like lighting up your pipe and smoking a bowl with the aroma of tobacco and a hard wood fire to fill your nostrils. I just want to melt away my worries and fears in the moment. I want to get back to that simple life I enjoy so much.

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