Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Politics, sometimes you hate it but you have to be well versed in it……

I don’t talk often of politics. I have said many times before that it aggravates me and bores me. I do keep up with what is going on though. I am well versed in the issues that all parties are bringing to the table.

Last night, I was sitting on the front porch. I was drinking my coffee and smoking my pipe. I was being a nosey bastard as four police cars were out in front of my neighbor’s house. Up drove my father and Charlie to bring some outdoor furniture for the porch (Charlie is buying my late grandmother’s house and has started to move things.) After moving the furniture, my father sat down beside me in a chair. We got on the subject of politics and the election. After discussing some issues, I got popped the question I knew was coming.

“So, who are you going to vote for in November?” My father asked.

“That’s a no brainer for someone on disability like me, Dad.” I said. “I would be stupid to vote for Bush.”

“Well, you have a good point there.” He said.

“I will be voting for Kerry. I see it as the lesser of two evils.” I replied.

“Well, you could vote for Nader.” He told me with a smirk on his face.

“Yeah, and in my opinion that would be just the same as voting for Bush.” I replied. “In such a close race, Nader is the best thing to happen for the Bush campaign so far.”

“Nader means well. He needs to stick to consumer advocacy though. That is his forte.” Dad replied.

“So, who are you voting for?” I asked.

“As a small business owner, I should vote republican but I am not sure. I still haven’t decided.” He replied.

“Keep in mind the strong republican ties to corporate interests. They may be more likely to support Wal-Mart or CVS over you.” I said.

“Yeah, that is true. I haven’t thought of that.” Dad replied.

“Mom is going to the polls with me.” I said with a smile on my face.

“Why is Martha going with you?” My dad said.

“She will vote for whoever I tell her to. I will get two votes for the price of one. Mom probably doesn’t even know who Kerry is. She sure wouldn’t go to the polls unless I dragged her along.” I said.

There was a big laugh between us.

“Your brother did that once and got her to vote for Bush Jr.” Dad replied. “He took your grandmother as well. I got a big chuckle out of it.”

One common thing I have noticed is that your situation in life determines your politics. I have never heard of a homeless person saying they were voting for Bush. If a homeless person is voting for Bush then they are either A) crazy or B) just plain ignorant of the issues involved. Having a mental illness or being homeless at one time or another will, many times, make you have left political leanings. I was always a republican in my youth and younger days. What has happened to me in the past few years has drastically changed my political views.

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